Friday, October 25, 2013

I am a Good Mom

Last night I was talking with a friend about motherhood. We were talking about how we felt like we were struggling in some areas- about how hard it can be and the guilt we carry around. I was telling her how I struggle to get a meal on the table for my family and how lately I feel like I am hardly keeping it together. I feel guilty about not getting down on the floor enough to play with my boys or for snapping at them in a harsh voice when all they want to do is ask me a question.  I wish that I had craft projects prepared that we could do together and that I could control them better in public. I just wish I was a better mom.

Today, that same friend sent me a link to a  video that has been floating around Facebook. Please take four minutes to watch it.  If you can't watch the video here is a quick overview-The video starts by showing moms being interviewed about what kind of mom they think they are. They are all very hard on themselves and list many of the same things that I listed above. The video then goes on to show their kids being interviewed about their moms. The kids rave about how wonderful their moms are and all the really great qualities that they have.

I cried through the whole entire video. It just hit so close to home for me.  I don't concentrate on the qualities that make me a good mom, but instead I focus on all the bad.

But you know what? I am a good mom. I love letting my boys crawl in bed with me in the morning and I cuddle and kiss and love on them. I take them on donut dates just because. I am teaching them to be kind and generous and forgiving. I love exposing them to new things and we go on lots of adventures together. I date my kids carving out special one-on-one time with them. I take pride in how they look and dress them well. I make cookies with them. I throw great birthday parties. I fill up their little pool hundreds of time in the summer just so they can swim for five minutes. I go all out for every single holiday. I have taught them about Jesus. I have pizza party picnics on the living room floor. I take time to pick out the perfect gift for them, one that I know they will love. I organize playdates. I started our special "Friday Festival" tradition. I love reading books with them. I try really, really hard to play superheros, I have dance parties with the music turned up way to loud. I love them so much my heart hurts. I am a good mom.

What an awesome thing it would be if we could all just see ourselves through our children's eyes, huh? I know that I'm going to try.



  1. This is so true and you are so are even MORE than just a "good" mom. You totally rock motherhood! :-) And now....I need to hear more about your Friday Festival Tradition, please!

  2. Love, love, love, this. I'm going to work on doing the same. Thank you for the inspiration!!!
