Wednesday, February 29, 2012

36 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 36 weeks pregnant...holy smokes!!

Apparently my belly decided to double in size this pregnancy, this is also very apparent by all the stretch marks on my tummy this time around.

Here is a little update-

  • Besides the whole heartburn and my body feeling like a whale thing, I'm not feeling too bad.

  • I am running out of clothes to wear, so I pretty much rotate the same few things. I refuse to buy anything new at this point.

  • We officially have everything ready for the little guy. His room is done, bottles are washed, hospital bag is packed and I think anything in my house that could be cleaned has been!

  • I'm getting really anxious to meet Little Brother. I often find myself daydreaming about what he will look like and what kind of personality he will have.

  • Drake has been talking about the baby more, but still is not that interested in most baby related things.

  • I would love for him to cook about another week, so I will be taking it easy for the next 7 days, but after that all bets are off! Wave at me if you see me running around the block!

I will be back later this week with some pictures of the new flooring we had installed this week in our front room and kitchen. It is amazing what new floors can do for a place!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Love From Our Curious Boy

Drake is the kind of kid that you never really know what will come out of his mouth, and the things that do we have NO idea where he get them.

You can imagine our surprise when the other day when we told Drake that he was cute and he got a look of disgust on his face and said "Drakie not cute, Drakie is CURIOUS!" We about fell over from laughing so hard and then kept saying he was cute over and over again so he would keep saying it. We are nice parents like that!

So Happy Valentine's day from the NOT cute but curious Drake.

For the record, I think he is cute AND curious!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Cars and Trains Dreams

Time 1:45 a.m.

We wake up to Drake crying and yelling for Daddy. Very unusual as he never gets up in the night anymore. We wonder if he is sick.

Ben goes in his room to see what's up. I can hear them talking. All of the sudden Drake starts yelling "Tow Mater!!" over and over again.

I hear Ben go downstairs.

I go see what is going on.

Ben is frantically looking through piles of toys for Tow Mater.

I tell Ben that we can't start getting toys for Drake in the middle of the night.

Ben comes back up and tells Drake that Tow Mater is sleeping. Drake starts yelling for "Holly Shiftwell!!"

Ben says we will get her tomorrow and to go to sleep.

As he leaves the room "Thomas!!" is what Drake is yelling over and over.

Meanwhile, I'm laying in bed laughing hysterically over what little boys must dream about.

The best part is when Drake woke up the next morning the first thing he said was "I go look for Holly Shiftwell now"

I LOVE this age!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

32 Weeks

I'm not sure how 32 weeks have come and gone so fast leaving me with only about 7 more weeks (I will be 33 weeks on Thursday) until I meet my newest son. I'm excited to see what he looks like. For some reason, I keep picturing a spitting image of Drake as a newborn, so we will see if I'm right.

This pregnancy has been a rollercoaster and has definitely been harder than my pregnancy with Drake. I've been dealing with awful reflux that nothing seemed to help. Thankfully my OB put me on Prilosec on Thursday and I have seen some big improvements since then.

I've also been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. I started to get them pretty regularly around 26 weeks, they have slowly increased in intensity and are usually strong enough now to make me stop what I'm doing.

I've been nesting like crazy and feel like my house is almost ready for the baby. I tend to go a little bit crazy when I clean and over-do it. Both Ben and my Mom have been very vocal about the fact that they want me to slow down and take it easy. I've been trying, but that is easier said than done for a person like me!

Little Brother is a pretty active baby so I've been enjoying feeling his kicks, rolls, and other crazy movements. I'm still finding it hard to believe that he will be here so soon!

We are already so in love with our little guy and can't wait to meet him. I'm so looking forward to the moment that Drake gets to meet his brother for the 1st time. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I thought I would leave you with a belly comparison picture. It looks like the further along I get the more I am carrying the same. I think my belly might be a little more out front this time, but otherwise it looks pretty much the same. Also? I look SO young in my picture with Drake!!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Where to Begin

Hello there blog friends, it has been awhile. Sorry for the lack post lately. I don't even have a good excuse except for the fact that I've been a bit lazy lately.

Anyways, here is a quick rundown of what is going on with us.

  • I"m almost 33 weeks. I reached the point last night where all nervousness of having a 2nd baby has been erased because I'm thinking it is going to be so much better to have an outside baby (when the time is right) than suffer anymore of these increasingly annoying, uncomfortable, and down right miserable pregnancy symptoms.  I will update more on the pregnancy in a post this week.

  • I joined the world of iPhone users. I'm in love. What are your favorite apps?

  • Drake has been coming up with some pretty witty things to say lately. One of my favorites being a conversation we had in the car on the way to Target. It went something like this:

Me-Drake put your hat on.


Me- You have to put your hat on before we get to Target, it is really cold out.

Drake-No, it's my head.

Yes, he truly is my son as this is so something I would say.

  • Ben and I have had TWO nights out in the past week.  And both time Drakes stayed overnight with one of the sets of Grandparents. It has been refreshing and much-needed.  Here is a little proof that we actually went out.

  • I threw a surprise 30th Birthday Party for Ben 2 weeks ago. It was awesome, he was surprised, and I forgot to take pictures :(

  • Be looking out for pictures of Drake with a new haircut. I finally bit the bullet and took my shaggy little guy for a cut (his sideburns were starting to curl up) he hated it, but looks so much better! He also looks like he is four now!

So those are the highlights of the past couple of weeks. I will be back later this week with a pregnancy update, pictures of Drake and maybe even a heartfelt blog post.