Monday, January 9, 2012

3rd Trimester

Well Hello 3rd trimester!

I swear I just found out that I was pregnant and blinked and the next thing I knew I woke up with 11 short weeks left to go until baby!

I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable. I've been having a lot of trouble with pain in my pubic bone that makes sitting down, standing, and laying down all pretty painful. I've been told this is just my body relaxing and getting ready to have the baby. I wish my body would have waited a little longer ;)

I still have been dealing with awful acid reflux as well, but it does not seem as bad as when I was pregnant with Drake because I keep up on my Zantac so it never really has a chance to get out of control.

Not everything is bad though! I've really been enjoying feeling Little Brother move and kick and roll around. I've also enjoyed slowing down a bit and spending more time at home relaxing with Drakie and Ben.

I also passed my 3-hour glucose test on Thursday so that is one less thing to worry about!

We just need to touch up the paint and put the bedding on in Little Brother's room and then we will just wait on him to come.

Can't believe that he will be here before we know it. So looking forward to adding to our family and all the joy it will bring!


  1. Looking Good, Momma!! :-)

  2. Nice bump! I had reflux soooooo bad when I was pregnant.
    Not too much longer :)
