Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family Christmas/Santa

We celebrated our little family Christmas on the night before Christmas Eve as we were going to be out of town on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. While Drake was napping I got the brilliant idea to make hot chocolate for the 2 of us to enjoy while we waited for Ben to get home for work. I was SO excited about the idea (Drake had never had hot chocolate before) that I could not stand it and went and woke Drakie up from his nap. Apparently I like hot chocolate more than he does, as he did not even try one little sip. Oh well, it was still fun!

After Ben came home from work we got started on opening presents! I decided that we were going to do our presents to Drake a little different this year ( and every year in the future) and give him 3 gifts from us to represent the 3 gifts that Jesus received when he was born.

Drake had a fun time opening presents and loved everything he received. We got him a Melissa and Doug puzzle, a Lego set, and a set of 8 Cars with the Cars 2 DVD.

After we opened gifts we had a picnic in our family room where we ate pizza and watched Cars 2. We topped the night off with a ride around town to look at Christmas lights.

Santa must have known we were not going to home Christmas morning so he decided to stop by a day early!

Boy does Santa know how to make a train loving little boy happy! Drake's little mind was just blown when he saw the awesome train table Santa left for him. He loved it so much that he could not be bothered with opening his stocking or eating breakfast. When I told him it was time to head to Nana and Papa's house he looked  at me and said "No, I run away with my trains"!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

26 Weeks

Wow! Could time fly any faster?!? I am 26 weeks today and have less than 100 days to go!!

I've been feeling great and am really enjoying this pregnancy.

I failed my 1 hour glucose test a couple of weeks ago, so I'm going to have to suffer through the 3 hour test at my next appointment. As soon as Christmas is over I'm cutting back on my carbs and sugar to help my chances at passing the test. I might have been eating a lot of our Christmas cookies the week I took the 1 hr test ;).

Drake prays for the baby almost every night before bed and my heart just melts whenever he says it.

Little Brother's room is almost done. We did not have a lot to do since we are using the same room Drake was in when he was a baby. The room is so cute and I'm SO happy to be able to reuse it. I've added a few new things for this baby and will take pictures to show you all very soon.

The baby seems to have grown a lot in the past few weeks. I now feel like I have a head in ribs!  He seems to respond to me when I poke my stomach so I'm always trying to get him to move around in there for me!

Also did you know that there is such a thing as pregnancy induced asthma? I didn't either, but apparently there is and I have it. Thankfully it can be safely treated while pregnant to minimize the symptoms and goes away after the baby is born. Little Brother seems to already be giving me a run for my money!

We have really been trying to soak in our little family of 3 lately. We can't wait for Little Brother to get here, but are enjoying the last few months of our one-on-one time with his Big Brother. Drake seems to be enjoying all the family date nights, movies, and pizza parties we have been having lately!

ALSO, We decided on a name but are just sharing it with family and close friends. I will give you one clue though-It does not start with a D. Real helpful right?

Monday, December 19, 2011

It Never Fails

We almost always eat supper together as a family. I love sitting down to a meal and talking about my day with Ben while Drake chatters away. But sometimes due to our schedule or just not being hungry at 5:30 Ben and I will wait and eat after Drake goes to bed at 8:00.

Drake is great at going to bed. We read a book, I lay with him and cuddle and say prayers, give him a few hugs and kisses, and he is down for the night. This is pretty much how it goes almost every night, EXCEPT for the nights we decide to eat dinner after he goes to bed. It pretty much never fails, those are the nights that he is up and crying to get out of bed or banging on his door yelling for us.

What am I missing out on here? Does he have some sort of 6th sense about us wanting to have a meal in peace and quiet? I don't get it. I guess we will just have to stick with the early dinner!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hi Santa

Visiting Santa has been a tradition since Drake's 1st Christmas. The first year Drake was only 5 months old and had no idea what was going on.

And then there  was last year.

You might remember that last year Santa did not go over so well.

Drake was a crying and scared mess.

I promised myself that no matter how much I would love a picture of Drake with Santa I would not make him sit on his lap or even go see him this year if he didn't want need to scare the kid even more.

We asked Drake if he wanted to see Santa and he seemed excited so we packed up the car, roped Ben's parents into going with us and off we went. Drake talked the big talk the whole way there, telling us what he was going to say, and how he was going to sit on Santa's lap and "no cry."

He talked the talk but we did not know if he would walk the walk. We had to wait in line and as we waited Drake kept saying "Go away kids, go away" because he wanted to be at the front of the line.

The big moment finally came. He took my hand and walked right up to Santa. "Hi Santa" he said with a big smile. I asked if he wanted to sit on his lap and he said he did.

He told Santa he wanted trains for Christmas (I hear that Santa has that covered) and even told him he would prefer Thomas Trains (I think Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Papa are covering that for Santa).

And then we took what is to be the official Santa picture of 2011.

A few things about this photo

When did my baby grow up to look like such a handsome little boy?!?

I must have missed it.


I promise he was enjoying himself much more than this photo shows.

All in all I think we will call Santa visit 2011 a success. So much of a success that I may or may not have teared up watching my little boy act so big.

And for good measure....

I die of the cuteness of this picture.

I can only imagine how I'm going to feel next year as I watch my TWO little boys experience the magic that is Christmas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

That is Amazing!

Drake's new favorite thing to say is " Momma, that is amazing!" He says it about any and everything and it just makes my heart melt every single time. I love his innocence and how something so small can be so amazing to him! I've decided to take a cue from my little guy and tell you some things I think are just amazing right now!

  • Baby laundry. Seriously the best laundry ever! I've had so much fun washing and putting way little brother's clothes. I can't believe he will be here in 3 short months!

  • A day with friends. On Saturday one of my best friends and her kids came to visit. I felt so refreshed and happy after she left. That night our good friends and neighbors came over for dinner and to let the kids play. Between the 3 couples we have 4 boys (with one on the way)! 3 of the four are within 5 months in age of each other. Can you imagine 3 crazy 2-year-olds running around?!? It IS amazing!

  • Life getting back to normal. I mentioned briefly that Ben started a new job a few weeks ago.  Getting back into a routine and having some security again really makes me breathe just a little easier.

  • "What's that name?" Drake has started to ask everybody their name. He is so interested in meeting new people.

  • Taking Drake to see the  Polar Express at the IMAX. There really is nothing better than seeing something for the first time through your child's eyes. It was a magical night.

  • My new blog header! I made it myself using Photoshop. It is not perfect, but not too bad for my 1st real Photoshop project!

Life right now is truly amazing. We have been so blessed  and are enjoying each blessing God has put in our life.

P.S. We are taking Drake to see Santa tonight so I will be anxious to see if he thinks that is "amazing" Especially with how our visit turned out last year!