Monday, August 8, 2011

Turning Curve Balls Into Blessings

To say life has thrown us some curveballs right now would be an understatement. A couple of weeks ago Ben and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary with a wonderful child free day and a relaxing dinner out in a nice restraint. The following day we celebrated my 28th birthday by having a fun family day. Life was good.

The very next day I received a phone call from Ben telling me that he had been laid off. The news made my heart pound with panic as I was taken back to the day not even a year ago when he was laid off. Unfortunately, this time I do not have the luxury of ignorance, I know just how hard unemployment is on every aspect of our life and I was not ready to ride that rollercoaster again.

In the meantime, we had to pick up the pieces and keep on living. 2 days later we had 40 bicycle riders who were participating in RAGBRAI stay with us. Despite the horribly hot temperatures we had the best time hanging out with Team Simpson (where both Ben and I went to college) and chatting and laughing.

The day they left we found out Drake had strep throat. We had 2 days to get him rested and ready for family pictures and his big Wild Things Birthday Party. He recovered quickly and was all ready to go for his party. We all had the best time celebrating our favorite little guy (I will have a 2 year post up soon, I have so much to say) and watching the joy on his face at his party.

I had all last week off work and was able to relax and just decompress. As I was reflecting on the events of the past 2 weeks there was one word that came to mind- Blessed.

We are so so blessed in every aspect of our life. We might not be living the ideal situation right now, but we are living. We are living with a roof over our heads in a house that has plenty of room. We have more food than we can eat. We have family and friends who have helped us in so many ways. We have each other.

It is so easy to get caught up in all the bad things in life, and so easy to forget about all the great things. Of course I have days where I feel down and wonder why is this happening to us again. But most days are spent thanking God for the sweet blessings that we have in our life. Ben, Drake, and I are a family and we can make it through this.

Plus?  We seem to be getting pretty good at catching those curve balls and making them into to blessings. We have our gloves on and are ready to go!



  1. Your wise to take a positive spin on the curve balls. Gratitude is everything!

  2. Thank you! I found out last time there is no use worrying about things you can't change.

  3. My heart goes out to you. Businesses are on edge with uncertainly about the economy and keep laying off people or not filling positions. People need to be employed to turn things around. Ben needs to hit the job search with a positive attitude.
