Tuesday, August 23, 2011


As Drake gets older I find myself struggling more and more with just exactly what and how much I'm willing to share about him on the blog. I have been very careful to never use our last name on our blog, not only for privacy reasons, but also for the fast that I never want my blog to be the first thing that pops up if somebody was to Google Drake's name.

With that being said, I've decide to take a little bit of a different approach to my blogging. I will still blog about Drake on occasion, but I also want to start blogging about fashion, cooking, home, etc. I guess you could say more of a lifestyle blog.

So what do you think? Will you stick around with me?

P.S. I'm curious How do you decide how much is too much to share on your blog?

Phineas and Ferb Live Ticket Giveaway

The Giveaway is CLOSED. The winner is Comment #1

How would you like to win 4 tickets to see Phineas and Ferb Live: The best LIVE TourEver!?

Here is a little bit about the show-“Mom! Phineas and Ferb are going on a LIVE tour!!!” School‘s out for summer and anything is possible as Phineas and Ferb create their biggest invention yet --  Disney’s Phineas and Ferb LIVE!  On Tour.   Phineas, Ferb, and the whole tri-state area gang embark on a bold escape jumping out from behind your TV  and onto the stage in a live action adventure– right in your hometown!  And, before you can wonder, “Hey, Where’s Perry?” the beloved pet platypus shifts to his secret double life as Agent P to foil another one of Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil plans.  Musical madness abounds in an escapade so awesome that even Candace can’t help but join the hilarious hijinks.  It’s the ultimate end to summer vacation, so seize the day ‘cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all.

Tickets start at just $18! Buy tickets by clicking here http://bit.ly/obsREo, visiting all Dahl’s Foods locations, the Wells Fargo Arena ticketoffice, or by calling 866-55-DAHLS.

You could get your chance to attend in Des Moines, IA at Wells Fargo Arena October 22 at either 1 & 4 p.m. by answering the Phineas and Ferb Question Below.

Please leave a comment with what you think the answer is. I will pick a winner on Tuesday, August 30 from all of the correct guesses. Good luck!

How many days of summer vacation?

Please note-I was received 3 tickets to Phineas and Ferb in exchange for holding this giveaway and providing you this information. Please note all opinions are my own.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

With school starting back up again next week,  I can't help but think about how in four short years my little boy will be starting a new chapter in his life as he walks into a kindergarten classroom.

Although it is still years away there is one thing that worries me more than anything else-bullying

Kids can be so mean.

So cruel.

So awful to each other.

I worry about for Drake.

I know that I will not always be able to protect Drake from bullies.

I know that it is important that he learns how to handle those situations.

I also pray that Drake will never be the bully.

That Ben and I teach him about self-esteem and kindness.

That he does not join in the bullying just because his friends do.

That he has the courage to stand up for other kids when they are being bullied.

But even though I have many worries, I also have so much hope.

I recently finished reading the book The Help and was struck by a phrase that is repeated over and over in the book-"You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

Words I want Drake to hear over and over and over until he believes that about himself.

Words that I want him to repeat to other people.

Words that have the power to change a child.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Balance Bike

Have you hear of a balance bike before?  From what I've heard they are all the rage for toddlers. They are little tiny bikes that do not have training wheels or pedals. The kids learn how to balance with them by walking and eventually are able to pick up their feet ans coast. Apparently most kids go straight from a balance bike to a regular bike without training wheels.

Drake's Nana and Papa were kind enough to get him a balance bike for his birthday.

It took Drake a good 2 weeks before he would even get on it, but we had some visitors (17-month old twins-more to come on that in my next post) and he was desperate for any attention so he hopped right on and off he went!

[caption id="attachment_585" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="He needed a little help and support from Daddy at first..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_586" align="aligncenter" width="440" caption="But before long he was doing it all on his own!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_587" align="aligncenter" width="254" caption="He had to stop a lot to ring his Lighting McQueen bell"][/caption]

and get lots of cheers and claps from Momma and Daddy!

I have feeling he will be zipping up and down the sidewalk before we know it!

In other news-When Drake got tired of riding his bike he literally did the worm all the way from our neighbors driveway back home. Sometimes I wonder what goes through that little head of his

[caption id="attachment_589" align="aligncenter" width="402" caption="Of course it is not weird to do the worm down the sidewalk on a Saturday morning. Nope, not weird at all."][/caption]

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday-Family is Awesome

I'm so lucky to be part of this little group of people who love and support me, who love my husband like one of our own, and who thinks my son hung the moon.

And I'm even more lucky to have them!

[caption id="attachment_577" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="From left to right- Me, Drake, Ben, my Dad, my Mom, my sister Meggie, my sister Ellie, Ellie's boyfriend Chic"][/caption]

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meet 2-Year-Old Drake

Let me introduce to you my 2-year-old boy. Isn't he so handsome?!?

He is so in love with all of his "friends" he spends hours playing with them. He loves to line them up, make them drive his trucks, and give them baths. In the last few weeks I have heard him really expand on his pretend play by making them talk to each other.

This kid has a heart of gold. He comes up and asks me at least once a day "You OK Momma?" just out of the blue. He reminds us every night to pray before we start eating dinner by yelling out "hands" so we stop and hold hands and pray together.  He loves to come up to you and say "tickle, tickle" as he tickles your tummy.  The best part? He freely gives big kisses and great hugs when asked. I love that.

He talks from the second he wakes up until the second he goes to bed. He has turned into quite the little eavesdropper and we often hear him repeating what we just said in a conversation we did not think he was listening to. He has started saying some very funny things, at very funny times. A few weeks ago we were out to eat and he turned around in the both and told the people behind us "I have 2 daddies." We have no idea where he got that, but we laughed and laughed.

At two he seems so big-he sleeps in a big bed, he plays nicely by himself, he is independent. Yet, he still holds on to some of his babyhood. We have not started working on potty training and probably will not until sometime this winter. He also still has his pacis. He loves them, I love them so they are sticking around for now.

He has also really started standing his ground. The other day he was in trouble for not listening and was in timeout. When 2 minutes were up, I went over and explained to him what he did wrong and asked him to tell me he was sorry. He refused. Instead he choose to sit quietly in time out for 20 minutes with a look of pure determination on his face. He wanted to win. And he did. Smart boy he is.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God for picking us. We are so blessed this little boy landed in our life. Raising him has been the single greatest privilege of my life and I am so honored to be his Momma.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Turning Curve Balls Into Blessings

To say life has thrown us some curveballs right now would be an understatement. A couple of weeks ago Ben and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary with a wonderful child free day and a relaxing dinner out in a nice restraint. The following day we celebrated my 28th birthday by having a fun family day. Life was good.

The very next day I received a phone call from Ben telling me that he had been laid off. The news made my heart pound with panic as I was taken back to the day not even a year ago when he was laid off. Unfortunately, this time I do not have the luxury of ignorance, I know just how hard unemployment is on every aspect of our life and I was not ready to ride that rollercoaster again.

In the meantime, we had to pick up the pieces and keep on living. 2 days later we had 40 bicycle riders who were participating in RAGBRAI stay with us. Despite the horribly hot temperatures we had the best time hanging out with Team Simpson (where both Ben and I went to college) and chatting and laughing.

The day they left we found out Drake had strep throat. We had 2 days to get him rested and ready for family pictures and his big Wild Things Birthday Party. He recovered quickly and was all ready to go for his party. We all had the best time celebrating our favorite little guy (I will have a 2 year post up soon, I have so much to say) and watching the joy on his face at his party.

I had all last week off work and was able to relax and just decompress. As I was reflecting on the events of the past 2 weeks there was one word that came to mind- Blessed.

We are so so blessed in every aspect of our life. We might not be living the ideal situation right now, but we are living. We are living with a roof over our heads in a house that has plenty of room. We have more food than we can eat. We have family and friends who have helped us in so many ways. We have each other.

It is so easy to get caught up in all the bad things in life, and so easy to forget about all the great things. Of course I have days where I feel down and wonder why is this happening to us again. But most days are spent thanking God for the sweet blessings that we have in our life. Ben, Drake, and I are a family and we can make it through this.

Plus?  We seem to be getting pretty good at catching those curve balls and making them into to blessings. We have our gloves on and are ready to go!