Monday, March 21, 2011

Miscellany Monday

{Easter Egg Tree}
I made a Easter Egg Tree using a branch from a tree in our backyard and egg ornaments that my Mom passed down to me. I love the simple look. 

{Better Than Any Toy}
Drake's new favorite game is pretending to sleep. Strange, right?!? He grabs a paci and three blankets and makes himself a little bed on the steps. He moves his 'bed' from step to step but can play this game for a good 30 minutes.

{Sassy Silly Spunky Designs}
I have had such a great time creating and selling my felt ruffle wreathes I thought it was time to make it Facebook Official by creating a Facebook Page. I would love for you to 'like' my page!

{Spring is In the Air}
Trips to the zoo, playing outside until bedtime, eating supper later, walks around the neighborhood, windows open, and the sound of thunderstorms while you sleep all mean one thing-Spring has finally sprung in Iowa!

{A New Saturday Tradition}
Saturday mornings spent at our favorite local coffee house lingering over coffee, pancakes, bacon and eggs are the perfect way to start off the weekend. I'm a big lover of traditions and I'm so happy to be starting my own with my family!

{Bubble Beards}
Does anything say childhood baths like bubble beards? I think not.

{Because Momma Needs Hobbies Too}
With Drake approaching 20 months old (ummmm....still can't believe he is almost 2!!!) and becoming more independent by the second, I'm finally getting time to explore my hobbies. Crafting, reading, baking and photography are all things I have had more time to pursue in the last couple of months. Tonight I'm going to my first official photography class and could not be more excited to learn some new skills.

{A Few Questions}
  • What free program do you like to use for photo editing?
  • We are dealing with thunderstorm fear at our house. How do you help your kids cope with that? 
  • Calling all bakers. What is your go to muffin recipe? I'm having a little bake-off with my Mom and sisters (love you guys) and want an award winning recipe to impress!

I'm participating in:
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. I hopped over from Carissa's. We love Picasa from google for free photo editing. It links up with blogger and facebook and you get a free web album. It also lets you upload quickly to a large number of photo printing websites! Good luck. Have fun with the bake off.

  2. Here from Carissa's! Love your wreathes - I liked your fb page! :) Spring is making me so giddy - I can't wait for it to get here in full swing! My fav editing programs are picasa and photoshop. :)


  3. Love the egg tree!

    We hit up a coffee shop this weekend too, and I'm thinking about making it a tradition. Like you said, it really is perfect start to the weekend.

    I like picasa for free editing for the same reasons Lindy mentioned. Good luck!

  4. love the tree...

  5. I love family traditions! Great idea with the Easter tree, too!

  6. I love family traditions also! The coffee house sounds like a lot of fun and something Drake will enjoy for years to come! And YES! for the zoo! We went last week also. As for the muffin, Perkins makes a great muffin....just buy some, stick them in a basket and call it good! I won't tell your family!! Ha!

  7. I love your blog! :) I seriously laughed out loud at the comment you made about your little boy loving to pretend sleep. That's hilarious!

    I use Photoscape....and I've used it for about 3 years now, I'd say. It gets the jobs done, and it's easy for me to use. I'd recommend it. :)

    Ps. I'm now a follower! Woop woop!

  8. I am loving your Easter tree too! I need to get one for our home. I am also laughing at the pretend sleep...GG does the same darn thing, those silly kids!

  9. Whoops, totally wanted to comment on your awesome wreaths and new venture! Go you! So exciting!

