Monday, March 21, 2011

It's OK

Drake is fine.

That is all I heard Ben say before the phone went dead.

I felt my heart rate increase as I wondered what possibly could have happened in the short half mile trip from our house to daycare.

I frantically threw a sweatshirt on over my pajamas; slipped on my UGG Boots and jumped in my car as I prepared to retrace the route Ben takes to daycare.

Soon I came up on the accident.

I raced over to Ben giving him a hug while I covered Drake in kisses.

What happened? I asked as I took the scene in. Ben’s car sat with metal dangling off of it and fluid leaking into big puddles, while an SUV sat hugging the front bumper of Ben’s car.

I knew before he said anything what had happened. It was obvious by just taking a moment to look at the cars.

She didn’t stop at the stop sign. Ben said motioning over to a sobbing teenage girl. It was like she just did not see me coming.

While Ben filled out all the necessary paperwork, I could not stop thinking about the girl that hit him. She was standing beside her father shivering in the cold with tears rolling down her cheeks. What if Drake is involved in something like this someday? How awful and guilty he would feel. At that moment I knew what I had to do.

I took Drake’s hand and walked over to the girl. I looked her in the eye and said Accidents happen. Cars can be replaced. The most important thing is nobody was hurt.

Thank you she said as she smiled through her tears.

Before I walked away, I wrapped my arms around her and whispered it’s OK.

I felt her breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm participating in the Red Dress Club RemembeRED memoir event.  This week's prompt is about forgiveness. Forgiving others, forgiving yourself.


  1. AMAZING! Tears in my eyes as I type happy everyone is safe. You are a great person, Katie.

  2. What a powerful post, K! Inspiring and yet so scary...I would have been a complete wreck! Glad everyone is safe and sound!


  3. What a beautiful gift you gave her!

  4. Powerful message! Thanks for sharing! Too many people want to point a finger and be victims -- instead, you gave your family and the girl's family a gift. Forgiveness is freeing to both parties.

  5. This post was perfect. You added just enough detail to set the scene. And just enough heart to melt me to tears.

    I love what you said to her: "Accidents happen. Cars can be replaced. The most important thing is nobody was hurt." And hope that if ever faced with something similar, I show the same kind of grace and kindness.

  6. What a beautiful post and wonderful thing you did for that young girl. I'm convinced it's that kind of caring that can change the world. I joined up to follow your site.

  7. This is just another reminder as to why you are one of my best friends! :-)

  8. Good for you- and thank you for sharing this. I'm sure it wasn't easy.

  9. That was an incredibly thoughtful gift you gave that girl. So many of us would have been blinded by Mommy rage.

    I like how you used very short paragraphs. It conveyed the sense of urgency about the moment--no time to go on and on--just get to the heart of the story.

  10. theworkinghousewifeMarch 22, 2011 at 3:25 PM

    Wow.. how kind of you.

    Beautifully written as well.

  11. oh that was lovely. it speaks volumes about you as a person and I know that girl must always remember that moment. great piece!

  12. Gah. Its 7:22 and Im crying already.

    Thank you for your reaction to that girl, she will remember it for the rest of her life. Im glad no one was hurt either.
