Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blizzard=Perfect Day

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, sometimes it is nice to have an excuse to stay home and enjoy the season. Lucky for us, we got just that opportunity this weekend when a blizzard came knocking on our door!

If I could plan a perfect day, I think it would have gone something like yesterday. We spent the day at home playing in the snow, baking and decorating cookies, playing cars, throwing balls around the house, reading books, eating homemade mac and cheese, enjoy a glass of wine and a game of Uno, and curled up in bed listing to wind howl.

Here are a few highlights:

Drake checking out the first snow (before the blizzard came) of the year.


I'm slightly obsessed with this picture!

Drakie could have played outside all day!

What a perfect day to frost cookies! I gave Drake a little cup of frosting, a cookie and spoon so he could "frost" a cookie. He LOVED it!

He thought he could frost his cookie better by mixing it around in his frosting.


I seriously do not want to know how much frosting this kid ate.

Dogs like frosting too!


How do/would you spend a blizzard  day?


  1. He is so styling in his hat! And I love the paw print between the words in your title.

  2. I want to come to your house and play like that!

  3. WHat a totally perfect day! I love blizzards, being stuck at home, sledding and hot cocoa with my dudes. Your little guy looked like he enjoyed the snow! SO MUCH FUN!!

  4. Imperfect PerfectionDecember 14, 2010 at 5:47 PM

    I am a new follower and I wanted to give you the Stylish Blog Award...

    Stylish Blogger Award

    Rules for accepting this award are:
    1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.
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    You can get the award off of my post, just save it as a pic ; )
