Monday, December 27, 2010

The Perfect Christmas

You know how before Christmas you have images in your head of what Christmas is going to be like?

You hope it is full of  family and laughter and celebration and good food and a little snow and many memories.

You hope it all of that, but you know that sometimes things don't go as planned, so you tell yourself that you will just enjoy what you do get.

But on that rare occurrence that Christmas really is everything you hoped for, you take those moments and pack them in your heart forever and know that you are truly blessed.

It is the small things I will remember from this Christmas.

Things like:
Cousins sharing a Christmas Eve morning snack.

And trying to get that perfect picture of them in the matching sweaters only to end up with perfectly imperfect pictures.

And holding my baby in church as I choke back tears as we sing "Silent Night" by candlelight.

And finding out that it is not what is inside the box that matters, but just the fact that the box is big enough to stand on that makes opening presents fun.

And that face as my little man takes in the wonder of our Christmas Tree for the millionth time this year.

And a Christmas Eve feast that was big enough to feed an army even though it was just my little family of three.

And  a Christmas Eve picnic on blankets in the family room.

And the look on a little boy's face when he saw what Santa left him.

And a Christmas morning play session between Daddy and Drake.

And opening stockings with Papa.

And Christmas pajamas that are so cute that you just know they will be worn far past the Christmas season. 

And the excitement of the first set of your very own wheels.

And singing along with your new Sing-A-Ma-Jig.

And reading a story with Nana.

And most importantly celebrating the birthday of a precious baby born so long ago.

I hope your Christmas was filled with love and joy and was everything you hoped for.


  1. my girls got sing-a-ma-jigs, too!

    i'm glad you guys had a great holiday! and drake is going to own the road with that big guy!

  2. Looks like a wonderful holiday!

  3. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! I saw those singy things in the store and thought they were a hoot! How fun!
