Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts(Late Again)

OK, I promise I will do a better job of trying to actually get this up on Tuesday. I did have a great excuse last night though...I was watching my Iowa Hawkeyes win the Orange Bowl!!! Go Hawks!!!

So here we go for this addition of Tuesday Thoughts:
  • I have recently been introduced to  MckMama's blog and she just wrote about boldly blogging.She made a great point about many times people only blog about the good as to make it appear as your life is perfect, but to be real blogger you should blog about the good and the bad. So here it goes my first attempt at boldly blogging!
I was changing Drake's diaper today when I picked him up and saw that he had something on his shirt. I placed him on the foot stool in his room turned my back for 2 seconds to grab a baby wipe when I heard a sicking thump. There was my baby laying on the floor. He had rolled off the foot stool and was looking up at me in shock for a good 10 seconds before he started  to scream and scream and scream some more. I cried right along with him at my STUPID mistake!!!! After a few minutes he calmed down and Skinner saved the day as he many times does and distracted Drake. All is well, but a VERY valuable lesson was learned today!!

Drake with his BFF Skinner

I actually feel better just writing that out and really want to do a better job of sharing my whole life...the good and bad from now on!

  • I love blogging. I  started this as a way to keep in touch with friends and family even before I was pregnant. After I became pregnant I thought this would be a great way to keep track of my pregnancy. When Drake was born I then thought I would use this to keep friends and family updated about Drake while documenting it all for Drake. While it still is about all of that it has evolved into something more. I love that I get a chance to write again. I was one of those crazies in college who actually LIKED writing paper! I have been able to connect with other mommas and learn how they are dealing with motherhood. I plan on keeping it up and even hope for bigger and better things for my blog down the road!!
  •  I have been stung by jellyfish three.speterate.times. Yes, you read that right. On two different occasions in Hilton Head Island when I was a child I was stung by jellyfish. Then last year on our cruise I was snorkeling and was stung by sea ants which turn out to be mini jellyfish. So when I return from my trip to Hawaii in a few weeks please do not look for any pictures of me frolicking in ocean as I have pretty much sworn off sea life.  I'm pretty sure jellyfish hate my guts.


  1. I am so glad you shared your oops incident because sadly, I'm thinking I might have a few of those along the way as well :)

  2. I love MckMama's website! =) You'll have to try a "not me Monday" sometime - this post would have worked well for it.

    In my case, I would say last week on the way home from Audubon I did NOT forget to buckle my 21 month old daughter into her car seat. There's absolutely no way we'd drive on icy and snowy roads without making sure our children were safely strapped in their car seats. No way! Not me! (See! It IS freeing to write such things.)

    Oh, and go Hawks!

  3. it *does* feel good to blog the ugly stuff, doesn't it? and it makes people easier to relate to, because we ALL have ugly in our lives. so, thanks for sharing! when my oldest was a baby (before she could scoot around) i had her lying on my bed and when i turned for a second to grab the laundry basket, she fell off. it wasn't very high off the ground, but i felt like the worst mama ever. she was over it within seconds, but it took me *months* to recover.
