Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is Why I Hate Onesies

I have decided I have a hate for onesies. A BIG one. Have you ever tried to change a blowout diaper on a child wearing one? It is not fun.

Today Drake and I were all cozied up in the house watching the blizzard outside of our window when he has the BIGGEST blowout of all time. I'm not even kidding, you can't make this stuff up. There was poop everywhere: his legs, back, and worst of all...ALL over the bottom of his onesie. Well as you know there is only one way to get a onesies off and that is over the head. There was no possible way for me to get it off without getting poop all over my kids face. So after going over my options ( by this time I covered in poop too) I decide to take him to the shower where we have a detachable shower head and hose him off...fully clothed. Yes, I hosed my baby off like I was giving my dog a bath. But guess what? It worked and the onesie came off with no poop on the face. Mission Accomplished!!!

So I am now a clean momma really needing a glass of wine(don't worry I have enough restraint to wait until exactly 5:04 when the hubby will pull in the drive until I take my first sip) but enjoying the second Diet Pepsi of the day. My Maytag is working overtime with large amounts of Oxiclean to hopefully salvage both of our outfits. I have a swinging baby wearing not a onesie, but a long sleeved shirt and pants just in case it happens again.

Oh yeah, he is also wearing puppy slippers.

I think this day can still be redeemed with the pure cuteness of this!


  1. I MUST KNOW....Where did you find those slippers??? So cute!!! Laila needs some!

    FUNNY about the onesie....been there for sure!

  2. I can't help but Laugh Out Loud!!!

    & LOVE the slippers! :D

  3. You are so right! Onsie's are a pain. I remember my baby's first blow out. We were in LaJames. I know how it goes up the back and everywhere else :)

  4. Nicole- My sister got them for me at Target!! They are getting small now though, so I think we will be on the hunt for a new pair!
