Sunday, January 3, 2010

5 Months Old!

Drake is 5 months old!! It is crazy how fast time has gone. Ben and I both agree that we have seen more changes in Drake between 4-5 months than any other time so far. We are so enjoying every single second with our little man. Here is what Drake is into at 5 months:
  • He loves to touch anything he can get his hands on, especially Skinner's fur
  • He started eating baby food! He loves rice cereal, oatmeal, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, applesauce, and bananas but HATES peas :)
  • We are working on drinking out of a sippy cup. He drinks water out of it every morning when he takes his medicine
  • Drakie loves to play! Christmas came just in time as we really needed some toys for our little guy to play with
  • He is full of smiles and giggles and they melt our heart every time
  • He still takes 4-5 short (1/2 hour-hour) naps each day
  • We are working on him not sleeping with a pacifier as he looses it and wakes up multiple times a night wanting it back, once we get that figured out he should be sleeping through the night as he rarely gets up to eat anymore
  • He just started sitting up for a few minutes at a time yesterday
  • He is a mommas boy and holds a special place in his heart for his papa
  • He has been hanging out in his jumperoo a lot more and really is starting to get the hang of it and like it
  • He LOVES LOVES LOVES his Praise Baby DVD. It is a 1/2 hour long and he usually watches it once a day, although I think he would watch it much more if momma let him
  • He is wearing all 6 month clothes
Thank you for such a fun and memorable month. You have such a personality now!! Your Daddy and I love watching you grow and change.Keep those smiles and giggles coming as they make our day every time we see one! We love you so much little man!

1 comment:

  1. Drake is so stinkin' cute! His little smile reminds me of his momma! :) He is growing so fast. This summer we will for sure have to meet up with our two little ones...swimming, park play, ICE CREAM....the possibilities are endless! Good job on introducing the sippy cup! Laila is just now getting the hang of that.
    Happy 5 months Drake!
