Monday, January 25, 2010

In Hawaii

We enjoy fruity drinks at 3:00 pm by the ocean
We watch whales come right up to the boat
We enjoy time with each other

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts

  • Leaving my little guy on Friday is going to be so hard, but the main reason we are going to Hawaii is for my job. I  am the director of communications and meeting planning for a physician membership organization. It is a job I love and it gives me awesome opportunities to do things such as this.
  • I also know that it is important to my marriage to go away every so often just the 2 of us.
  • I really can't imagine having my active, curious, loud, limited napper of a baby on a 6 + hour flight from Phoenix to Hawaii. Plus with the 4 hour time difference we would most likely be going to bed at 4 pm and getting up at 3 am everyday!!
  • Drakie will be getting SO spoiled by his Nana and Papa that he will have no shortage of love, attention, and wonderful care.
  • I'm not worried about Skinner because Auntie Ellie will be staying with him. Skinner and Aunt Ellie are best friends and I'm sure she will allow him to do all sorts of things we will not. In addition Skinner gets to head on a weekend road trip with Ellie and he misses his much beloved car rides as he does not get to go with us too often anymore.

I will leave you with some pictures of my little man. I may be on here and there from Hawaii so check back for updates!

Monday, January 18, 2010

He Fits!

Looks like Drake wants to go with us on our trip and the suitcase is just his size!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It is the Simple Things... my son falling asleep in his highchair right in the middle of his carrot and squash lunch that make me smile!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts

  • It never gets old holding a sleeping baby. I love it even more now than I did when he was a newborn since he is too busy to snuggle when he is awake now.
  • Speaking of busy...we found out this weekend that going out to eat with Drake has officially gotten a lot harder! We went out to lunch on Sunday and within the first 5 minutes Drake had grabbed my pop and it spilled all over me, the seat and  all over the inside of my diaper bag. We laughed about it and said it is probably a good thing Drakie is staying with Nana and Papa next week when we head on our trip.
  • We need to move up a diaper size ASAP, but I'm too cheap not to use the rest of the size 2 diapers we have left.
  • I'm recommitting myself to the gym and eating healthy. I have yet to loose those last pesky 12.6 lbs. If I was smart I would have started this a little sooner than 2 weeks before I head to a place where a swimsuit is the main attire.
I will leave you a with a few pictures of Mr. Serious looking all grown up in his jeans

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is Why I Hate Onesies

I have decided I have a hate for onesies. A BIG one. Have you ever tried to change a blowout diaper on a child wearing one? It is not fun.

Today Drake and I were all cozied up in the house watching the blizzard outside of our window when he has the BIGGEST blowout of all time. I'm not even kidding, you can't make this stuff up. There was poop everywhere: his legs, back, and worst of all...ALL over the bottom of his onesie. Well as you know there is only one way to get a onesies off and that is over the head. There was no possible way for me to get it off without getting poop all over my kids face. So after going over my options ( by this time I covered in poop too) I decide to take him to the shower where we have a detachable shower head and hose him off...fully clothed. Yes, I hosed my baby off like I was giving my dog a bath. But guess what? It worked and the onesie came off with no poop on the face. Mission Accomplished!!!

So I am now a clean momma really needing a glass of wine(don't worry I have enough restraint to wait until exactly 5:04 when the hubby will pull in the drive until I take my first sip) but enjoying the second Diet Pepsi of the day. My Maytag is working overtime with large amounts of Oxiclean to hopefully salvage both of our outfits. I have a swinging baby wearing not a onesie, but a long sleeved shirt and pants just in case it happens again.

Oh yeah, he is also wearing puppy slippers.

I think this day can still be redeemed with the pure cuteness of this!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts(Late Again)

OK, I promise I will do a better job of trying to actually get this up on Tuesday. I did have a great excuse last night though...I was watching my Iowa Hawkeyes win the Orange Bowl!!! Go Hawks!!!

So here we go for this addition of Tuesday Thoughts:
  • I have recently been introduced to  MckMama's blog and she just wrote about boldly blogging.She made a great point about many times people only blog about the good as to make it appear as your life is perfect, but to be real blogger you should blog about the good and the bad. So here it goes my first attempt at boldly blogging!
I was changing Drake's diaper today when I picked him up and saw that he had something on his shirt. I placed him on the foot stool in his room turned my back for 2 seconds to grab a baby wipe when I heard a sicking thump. There was my baby laying on the floor. He had rolled off the foot stool and was looking up at me in shock for a good 10 seconds before he started  to scream and scream and scream some more. I cried right along with him at my STUPID mistake!!!! After a few minutes he calmed down and Skinner saved the day as he many times does and distracted Drake. All is well, but a VERY valuable lesson was learned today!!

Drake with his BFF Skinner

I actually feel better just writing that out and really want to do a better job of sharing my whole life...the good and bad from now on!

  • I love blogging. I  started this as a way to keep in touch with friends and family even before I was pregnant. After I became pregnant I thought this would be a great way to keep track of my pregnancy. When Drake was born I then thought I would use this to keep friends and family updated about Drake while documenting it all for Drake. While it still is about all of that it has evolved into something more. I love that I get a chance to write again. I was one of those crazies in college who actually LIKED writing paper! I have been able to connect with other mommas and learn how they are dealing with motherhood. I plan on keeping it up and even hope for bigger and better things for my blog down the road!!
  •  I have been stung by jellyfish three.speterate.times. Yes, you read that right. On two different occasions in Hilton Head Island when I was a child I was stung by jellyfish. Then last year on our cruise I was snorkeling and was stung by sea ants which turn out to be mini jellyfish. So when I return from my trip to Hawaii in a few weeks please do not look for any pictures of me frolicking in ocean as I have pretty much sworn off sea life.  I'm pretty sure jellyfish hate my guts.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

5 Months Old!

Drake is 5 months old!! It is crazy how fast time has gone. Ben and I both agree that we have seen more changes in Drake between 4-5 months than any other time so far. We are so enjoying every single second with our little man. Here is what Drake is into at 5 months:
  • He loves to touch anything he can get his hands on, especially Skinner's fur
  • He started eating baby food! He loves rice cereal, oatmeal, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, applesauce, and bananas but HATES peas :)
  • We are working on drinking out of a sippy cup. He drinks water out of it every morning when he takes his medicine
  • Drakie loves to play! Christmas came just in time as we really needed some toys for our little guy to play with
  • He is full of smiles and giggles and they melt our heart every time
  • He still takes 4-5 short (1/2 hour-hour) naps each day
  • We are working on him not sleeping with a pacifier as he looses it and wakes up multiple times a night wanting it back, once we get that figured out he should be sleeping through the night as he rarely gets up to eat anymore
  • He just started sitting up for a few minutes at a time yesterday
  • He is a mommas boy and holds a special place in his heart for his papa
  • He has been hanging out in his jumperoo a lot more and really is starting to get the hang of it and like it
  • He LOVES LOVES LOVES his Praise Baby DVD. It is a 1/2 hour long and he usually watches it once a day, although I think he would watch it much more if momma let him
  • He is wearing all 6 month clothes
Thank you for such a fun and memorable month. You have such a personality now!! Your Daddy and I love watching you grow and change.Keep those smiles and giggles coming as they make our day every time we see one! We love you so much little man!