Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thankful in 2009

2009 has been a great year for our family and with Thanksgiving coming up I thought it would be a great idea to sit down and list what I'm thankful for in 2009!

  • The smell of a baby after a bath when they are in their pj's
  • The joy that one of D's smiles can bring to anybody around him
  • A husband who I love more than I ever have after seeing him become a father
  • The fact that D has 2 sets of Grandparents, 3 aunts, 1 uncle and 1 cousin that love him SO much. We are blessed to have these people in our life.
  • My mom who is my best friend
  • My dad who is the most patient and loving person I know
  • My sisters who make me laugh, let me cry, and are always there
  • The way my dog S loves to snuggle with me
  • Photos!! Oh how I love to look back over the last 3 months
  • Reflux medicine
  • An easy labor and delivery
  • Friends who always know the right thing to say
  • My job...it is perfect
  • B's job...he is finally happy and being challenged
  • Finding a church home
  • Bouncy seats
  • Swaddle blankets
  • Wine
  • Date nights with my husband
  • The chance to be pregnant
  • Seeing S and D together...best friends
  • Epidurals
  • My parents moving closer
  • Baby belly laughs
  • Soy formula
  • Diet Pepsi
  • H1N1 vaccines
  • Cuddles from D
  • A husband with a sense of humor

The thing I am most thankful for in 2009 is the fact that God picked us to be parents to a baby boy with wild hair and a smile that melts our hearts. After 14 months of struggling to have a baby, he gave us more than we could have ever wanted in our sweet, precious son. His timing was perfect and the wait was worth every single tear, feeling of frustration and endless disappointment and for that I am beyond THANKFUL!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS! So much to be thankful for! :) The list will only keep growing as the years go on.
