Saturday, November 14, 2009


You might be wondering why I named this post"five", well that is because my sweet little 15 week, 13 pound bundle of cuteness is in the process of getting FIVE teeth in!! Yes, you read that right, I can't believe that my little guy is big enough for five teeth! So far he has been a trooper and just can't get enough of his little fingers, momma's fingers, or his cute giraffe toy!

In other news, D is now enjoying sitting in his high chair while we eat dinner, he LOVES to be part of the action and "talk" to us while we eat!
We had D's first photo shoot today and he was awesome! We got in a great hour of photos of him, I can hardly wait to see them and will post the link as soon as I have it to share with everybody!!
As much fun as each new stage is, I'm finding myself hugging him a little tighter, holding him a little longer, and kissing his sweet checks a little more, as I have witnessed my 7 pound tiny, helpless newborn turn into a 13 pound, 5 teeth, highchair sitting, full of personalty, 3 month old. These moments go by way to fast not cherish every.single.second!

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