Sunday, November 1, 2009

3 Months Old

                                                               A big boy at 3 months!

                                                                 D's first Halloween!!

                                                       Hanging out in my new jumperoo

                                                                  Jumping is HARD work!

                                                             One of those cute smiles we love!

                                                                   Bad to the bone!
                                                            Real boys wear pink!!!

Our baby is growing up and although I'm sad that he is not the little bundle we brought home from the hospital, we are having so much fun with him!!
  • He is doing so much better after getting his reflux under control, his thrush almost cleared up and switching to soy. The soy formula has made a world of difference and has really made his tummy feel better. Our happy little guy is back full-time now!!!
  • He is always smiling and "talking" to us. He definitely knows who his mommy and daddy are and have special smiles just for us!
  • He has rolled over from his back to his tummy one time and has shown no interest of doing it again, instead he is more interested in trying to sit up all the time!
  • He goes CRAZY in his bath and it actually looks like he is trying to swim. We let him sit and play in his tub until the water starts getting cold every night!!!
  • He is sleeping between 8-10 hours at night!!!! We are loving it and he is so well rested that he is FULL of smiles when we get him up in the morning.
  • He loves the Black Eyed Peas song "I Got a Feeling" He cracks up as we make him dance to it. It might be the cutest/funniest thing I have ever seen!
We are SO happy to have our happy boy back. He had been through so much these past 2 months that our hearts were breaking. We are so enjoying every single second with our little guy!!


  1. Hi Katie! I just stumbled on your blog, how cute! I can't believe your little man is already 3 months old! That seems crazy! I still remember running into you at the Gap and you were just barely pregnant:) He is such a cutie!! I'm so happy for you guys. Are you about to head back to work now, or are you taking a longer leave? Hope things are going well for you!!

  2. Andrea!
    It is great to hear from you. I checked out your blog too after I got your comment! Corbin is so cute and congrats on the upcoming arrival!!!

    D is SO much fun, I love being a mom. I am lucky enough to be able to work from home until Feb. So I have been enjoying every second with him!

  3. Katie!! You look great!! No 15 pound loss needed! I was looking at your pic the other day and was thinking...she doesn't even look like she just had a baby!! By the way, your little guy is ADORABLE!
    -Courtney Keiser :)
