Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Will I EVER have my body back?

OK, all you mommas out there, this question is for you....will my body EVER be the same again?

So I have about 15 baby pounds left that I would like to loose. The pounds are coming off S-L-O-W!!!! I have my eating under control, so that is not the problem. The problem is getting to the gym. When do you go? How do you make the time? I need some tips, so PLEASE let me know what your secret is.

I think the hardest part of this is , that right before I got pregnant I was in the BEST shape of my life. I had just lost 30 lbs, and bought some cute new jeans and form fitting shirts. Right now I would rather dress up like a nun than try in squeeze into those things.

So I want to hear it the good, the bad, and the ugly. Tell me the truth about the post baby body and most of all share what works for YOU!!


  1. I lift weights at least 4 times a day. I carry Laila in her carseat out to the car each morning- carry her into daycare- pick her up at the end of the day and carry that carseat out to the car and then again into the house. Plus- I carry that little girl around everywhere I go. That's my work out- very consistent.
    -Nicole :)

  2. 9 months on and 9 months off! Give yourself time Katie! I was back to all of my old clothes by the time he was 9 months and felt I looked "normal" by 1 year.
    Then they start to move and well that is a workout in itself.
