Monday, November 25, 2013

Drawing the Line

I knew this day would come. I could feel myself holding more and more back from all of you. I think long and hard before I post a story about my children on the blog anymore. I have done a lot of reviews and giveaways and have written some posts that are about me or motherhood but I have kept the most important part of my heart - my children - to myself.

Before the last month or so I have never seen Drake get embarrassed. Sure he had done embarrassing things, but he did not know that he should or could feel embarrassed about it. But in the last few weeks I have seen him utterly and truly embarrassed and it broke my heart and put me on high alert. I know I will do things in the future to embarrass my kids. I'm guessing sometimes it will all be in fun and I will do it on purpose and other times they will be embarrassed of me or things I do whether it is justified or not.

Here is the thing - I don't want this blog to be a source of embarrassment for them.  In the world we live a quick Google search is all it takes for stories, pictures and all the information you need to know about a person is at your fingertips.  I know I can't protect my boys forever, but I can limit what I contribute to their "internet biography." I want them to make their own tracks in life- their own stories- if they want to write a  blog someday, great, but that is up to them.

So I guess what I'm saying is that the line has been drawn. This blog will continue but with a lot less of my sweet boys in it.  I will still share pictures of my boys from time to time and I'm sure every now and then I will pop in with a story or 2 about them, but for the most part I will do what a mother should do and hold the most precious and sensitive stories close to my heart just for me.

Growing up is hard to do...

Monday, November 11, 2013

What's On My Mind

On this cold and dreary Monday morning this is what I'm thinking about-

  •  Drake had a lock down drill at his school on Friday. I can't even begin to tell you the heartbreak I felt as he told me "we had to pretend there was a bad shooter in the building and turn off all the lights and hide."  So, so sad that a lock down drill will now be the new normal for kids at school.

  • I'm feeling really grateful for my husband lately. I have been gone a lot in the evenings the past month and my husband is wonderful about it. He never makes me feel guilty for being away and I love that I can leave and not have to give him directions on what to do with the kids because he already knows since he is such a big part of their care everyday anyway. I'm just so happy I get to do life with him

  • I went to the Pink concert with my mom and sisters on Friday night. What.A.Show! Seriously, if you ever get the chance to see her concert, please do. Hand down the best show I've ever seen!


  • Our church puts on a Turkey Mission Dinner every fall and gives 100% of the money away.  All the food is donated and the tickets are free (a free will donation is taken at the door). Two year ago the dinner raised $25,000. Last year $60,000 was raised and this year over $87,000 will be given away to Habit for Humanity and Imagine No Malaria. I get goosebumps just thinking of what God is doing in our church and how many lives will be changed as a result of this turkey dinner.

  • This is my new favorite picture. I love how it captures everyday life at our house.  And Charlie's expression? Priceless! I wonder what he is plotting...



  • I continue to be amazed at the distinct personality differences between our 2 boys. Drake is sensitive and emotional. He is a cuddler and over thinker. Charlie is wild and tough. He is busy and carefree.  They both bring so many great qualities  to our little family that I love.

And Here are a few links I'm loving right now-

  • I did the Fresh 20 Meal planning a lot last winter and I'm ready to get back on the wagon again. Makes meal time SO much easier.

  • Do you use Instagram? It is my favorite social media site. I would love to follow you! You can follow me here.

  • I am loving these Design Dilemma posts on Young House Love. I think it would be so much fun to submit a room in our house and get some fresh ideas.

  • Watch this. The message speaks to everyone.

  • If you plan on buying any Fisher Price toys for the holidays here are some great coupons for you!

  • I just got done reading this book. Wow, just, wow. Read it.

  • I bought this cardigan for Drake last week. There is just something about little boys wearing grow-up clothes that melts my heart.

Have a wonderful week!

Disney on Ice Ticket Giveaway

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Disney on Ice Coming to Wells Fargo Arena

We have had the opportunity to take Drake to Disney on Ice the last several years and it is quickly becoming a favorite Thanksgiving tradition of ours! We were so excited to hear that they will be back in Des Moines this Thanksgiving with a brand new show!