Monday, July 22, 2013

Life Lately

I'm finding it harder and harder to find time to sit down and pound out a blog post. We spend every free moment outside playing. Our schedule is super laid back and relaxed in the summer. We eat supper when we feel like it  and come inside for baths way past bedtime. But I love it and I'm already dreading summer ending and the days getting shorter.  So for now the bullet point update will have to do. I have lots of good blog posts flying around my head but those will just have to wait for now.

Here is what we have been up to lately-

  • Ben and I got went to Kansas City with our good friends for a long kid-free weekend of fun and relaxation. We had the best time touring Boulevard Brewery, eating BBQ, shopping, eating late dinners, swimming, going to a movie and going out on the town. Sometimes it is nice to be something other than "Momma" and fun to see that there are still parts of your college self that are alive and well!

  • Speaking on Kansas City-Our hotel was totally overrun by teenage girls going to the One Direction concert on Friday night. Basically we learned that teenage girls in big groups of scary and little annoying. It also seems as though their outfit of choice consists of high-waisted jean short with shirts tucked in and converse sneakers unlaced. They might also be spotted in a belly bearing shirt with a belly ring showing. I'm pretty sure I never wore any weird outfits or was ever annoying as a teenager! ;)

  • Ben and I will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Eight years! After our crazy weekend I have a feeling that our celebrating will consist of throwing some sort of meat on the grill, playing with the kids and maybe if we get really wild staying up late to watch an episode of Revenge. The good news is that I can't think of anybody who I would rather do those things with than my husband!

  • I'm turning 30 on Wednesday. My twenties were really good to me and gave me my husband and two sons and countless memories. I always thought I would be feeling a little sad as I turned thirty but instead I'm happy and excited to see what this next decade holds for me. I'm going to spend the day with my mom getting pedicures and going out for lunch and Drake wants to throw me a princess party when I get home.Sounds like a good way to start my thirties!

  • My sister got engaged over the weekend and I could not be more excited for them.  They have been dating for quite a few years so my boys don't even know what life is like without "Uncle Chic" and we can't wait to officially welcome him into the family. And  don't even get me started on wedding planning! Nothing gets me more excited than talks of dresses and cakes and venues. SO.MUCH.FUN!

  • Drake will be turning 4 on August 1st and I want to do a whole post just about him and the things he loves and has been saying lately. He makes me laugh everyday with the stuff he comes up with. He just told me the other day "I'm your boyfriend." and then started singing Justin Biebers "Boyfriend" to my.  He is basically one of the funniest people I know and he is only three.

  • Charlie has been keeping us on out toes. He is wild. He likes to climb the stairs approximately 100,023 times a day and loves it the most when we chase after him. He plays with cars by sitting ON TOP of the car table or if the mood strikes him he might just start jumping up and down on the table, He climbs everything and puts everything in his mouth.  But he has the sweetest smile and when you ask him what a sheep says he says "BAAAAAAA" in the best little sheep voice. He loves to curl up on your lap with a book and like you to hold him while he suck on his paci and cuddles with his blankie. He is so very cute and too charming for his own good.

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