Tuesday, July 2, 2013

30 Things Loved in June


Kelsey from Words of Williams shares what she is grateful for at the end of every month. I love the idea so here is my debut monthly "loved" post.

1. A chance to take our first vacation as a family of four. We had such a great time!

2. Surprising my husband with a date night to Exhile Brewing and rolling with the punches even though the experience was not quite what we had pictured.

3. Drinking beers with friends in the driveway with the hum of the baby monitor in the background.

4. A family trip to the zoo to celebrate Father's Day.

5. Hearing Drake comfort Charlie when he is upset.

6. A long weekend away with my whole family and the fun we had.

7. Potato packets (potatoes, olive oil, dry ranch dressing mix and a little cheese) on the grill.

8. $4.00 shirts at H&M

9. Thursdays and Fridays filled with adventure and memories.

10. Down alternative pillows.

11. Drake's sweet heart for Jesus and hearing all he took in at Vacation Bible School.

12. An impromptu visit from my sister.

13. Grocery shopping with Charlie while he smiles and waves and flirts with every person he sees.

14 Planning Drake's birthday party.

15. Watching Revenge with Ben on Hulu Plus all curled up in bed late at night.

16. Mini ice cream sandwiches.

17. 6:00 am workouts.

18. Reading a book on the Kindle on the deck while the boys nap.

19. Letting the boys stay up way past their bedtime just so we can play outside.

20. Grandparents who love my kids to pieces (and spoil them too).

21. Sunday afternoon beers with a friend on a patio.

22. Charlie walking around with Hulk Hands on and making superhero sounds.

23. $5.00 retro chair find at the Restore.

24. The amazing kids in our neighborhood that picked up after a big storm went through.

25. Skinner enjoying the kids swimming pool by taking a dip.

26. Watching Drake play outside at 7:00 am in his jammies while I make breakfast.

27.  A lilac bush that bloomed and was so beautiful and fragrant.

28.  Going to garage sales with Drake and watching him search for treasures.

29.  Babies with bright blonde hair and big blue eyes and tanned skin.

30.  A great sermon series at our church.

What did you love in June?


  1. We have so many items in common, the best response is...Ditto!

  2. yay! I totally want to check out the Restore. thanks for participating!
