Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Happy 3rd Birthday to my smart, witty, unique, handsome and sweet little boy.

You made me a Momma 3 years ago.

Do you know how special that is?

It is because of you that I know how to fly like a superhero and the fun of racing cars on the kitchen floor.

You have the most amazing personality. You can easily carry on a conversation with an adult and know just what to say to get a laugh.

Oh, and those eyes. They are the most magnificent shade of blue. They are beautiful and you can tell just how you arer feeling by looking at them because they hold so much emotion.

You know what else? Me and you? We are very much alike. Where Daddy and Charlie are laid back and chill, you and I like to add just a little more spunk and maybe a little drama to life. You also seem to be turning more and more into my little twin. From the long torso to the plump lips...you are a mini-me.

And don't even get me started on what an amazing big brother you are. Do you know that you just went on with life without skipping a single beat when Charlie arrived? Well you did, and you have just been rocking this big brother role ever since.

I am proud of you. So very proud. This year was full of so many things that could have turned your world upside-down, but you just kept going and never looked back.

You really do have my heart.

I love you so very much my little Spiderman,

Love Batman (aka your Momma)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why I Would Choose a Hospital Birth Again and Again

In full disclosure here are some things you should know about me before you read this post. These things explain my background and some of the childbirth choices I made.

  • I work for a physician membership organization and have a strong respect for doctors and their profession.

  • My dad is a family physician who delivered babies for years at a small rural hospital. He no longer delivers babies, but is still in practice.

  • I had an epidural with both Drake and Charlie. Loved it with Drake. Was too late to really do any good with Charlie. If we have a 3rd baby I plan on doing it without an epidural.

  • I did not really care if Drake was born via C-section or naturally.  I did very little research on either option and almost felt like a C-section would be easier. I really did care how Charlie was born. I had such an easy vaginal delivery and recovery, as well as a great experience with Drake that I very much wanted to do anything possible to prevent a C-Section with Charlie. So much so, that when they thought that he might be breech I was researching the heck out of the version procedure.

  • I don't judge you if the choices you make or your opinions on this subject are different from mine. It is your body and your baby so it is your choice. These are just my thoughts and  opinions.

With all that out of the way, let's get started shall we?

I keep running across stories and blog posts about woman who are planning a home birth or a birth in a birthing center, but I rarely read anything about why giving birth in a hospital can not only be enjoyable, empowering and even life-saving, so here is my story!

It seems that more and more women want to experience childbirth away from a hospital setting either in their home or at a birthing center. These woman all have their reasons for why they think this is the right choice- whether it be less interventions, a more respectful atmosphere, or being able to make more decisions in regards to how the baby is born to name just a few of the reasons.

It seems to me that hospitals have really been taking a hit lately on all the things they do wrong when a woman is giving birth. Many people think there are too many unnecessary interventions(true, but take a stand against them), the C-section rate is too high (I blame this both on doctors AND mothers) and women’s childbirth wishes are ignored. While all of these things can absolutely be true, I also see a huge benefit to having your baby in a hospital.

Both of my pregnancies were low risk. I never had high blood pressure or gestational diabetes or anything else that would raise any red flags. I was what the doctors would call a "textbook pregnancy." I would have been the perfect candidate to have my babies either at a birthing center or at home. As I quickly found out, a perfect pregnancy can take a very unexpected turn for the worst without any warning.

Charlie's birth was some of the scariest moments in my life. From his 5 minute heart decel (that would not have been noticed had I not been on fetal monitors and turned out to be a red flag on what was to come) to the massive amounts of meconium in my water to his umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck and probably the scariest thing of all his shoulder dystocia (one of the biggest obstetrical emergencies you can have).

I get tears in my eyes just thinking about what could have happened to him had we not been at the hospital. I'm so glad I never have to know the answer to that. It was SUCH a relief to me to know that I had every possible tool and professional to make sure that Charlie was born safely and healthy.  If I would have been at home (or maybe even a birth center) we would have been working against the clock to deliver him safely. There was not time to call an ambulance and take the 20 minute ride to the hospital. There was only time for the doctor to ask for the vacuum, that was right there, and use it in order for Charlie to make a quick and safe entrance.

For the record, Drake’s birth was uneventful, but after he was born, we found out that he had a true knot in his umbilical cord. A very serious and life threatening situation for babies in utero.

I realize that my story is rare and most deliveries are uneventful and normal. I realize that midwives are trained on how to handle different emergencies that arise during childbirth. I realize that bad things can happen even when you are in a hospital. I realize all of those things,  but I would still choice a hospital birth over again and again for myself and my babies.

Because of the care and necessary interventions I received in the hospital gave me the 2 greatest gifts I have ever received.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Charlie at 4 Months

Our little Charlie Bear is 4 months old!

  • He weighs 14 lbs 11 oz (33 %) and was 25 inches (55 %)

  • He can still wear 3 month clothes but has been wearing more and more 6 month stuff lately

  • Still in size 2 diapers

  • Working REALLY hard on rolling from his back to his tummy

  • Hates tummy time

  • Started to eat cereal and LOVES it

  • Was sleeping 8 pm-6 am without waking up but since he shots on Thursday he has been getting up at least one time a night

  • Loves to smile and is the easiest baby ever to get a smile from

  • His eyes keep getting more and more blue and are the first thing people comment on when they see him

  • He is getting more hair and it is coming in very blond

  • He wants to chew on EVERYTHING but his favorites are fingers (his or anybody who is holding him) and Sophie his teething toy

  • Watching Skinner and Drake could entertain him all day long

Charlie-whenever we are out and about, people always remark on how happy and content you are. It is true-you are the happiest baby I know and it shows in all areas of your personality. We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow!


Monday, July 23, 2012

7 Years

One Dog...

2 Wonderful Little Boys...

And 7 Years Full of Adventure (and more twists and turns than we could have ever imagined)   Later...Here We Are!

2,555 days have passed since we said 'I Do' and I love you a more every day!

Happy Anniversary to my sweet, funny, out-going, laid backed, handsome husband.

Here is to many, many more!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 lbs down

Looks like Weight Watchers is working!

I'm down 10 lbs.

I feel healthier and I can see a difference in my appearance when I look at the photos below. I'm so glad I decided to take pictures to track my progress because it is SO motivating to see a positive change in my body.

10 lbs lost

35 lbs to go...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

King's Pointe Waterpark Resort Getaway

Drake has really been rocking the big brother gig and we have been loving our new family of four, but Ben and I were itching for a little time with just Drakie. So when the opportunity came along for us to head up to Storm Lake to King's Pointe Resort for a getaway we knew it was the perfect excuse to drop Charlie off at Grandma and Grandpa's and set off on a special trip with just our biggest.

All ready to hit the road with the iPad in hand

Monday, July 9, 2012

Delta Dental of Iowa’s $25 Hy-Vee Gift Card Giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. JANE McCURDY is the winner (picked using random.org)

Sun, sand and smiles are what summer is all about.  To celebrate summer, Delta Dental of Iowa is giving one of my readers a $25 Hy-Vee gift card.

Our Witty Boy

This kid is just something else. The things that come out of his mouth never ceases to amaze me.

  • "Batman (that is me) why is The Ninja (Charlie) crying?" He is super into superheros right now and we all have a name that he calls us. He is Spiderman.

  • "Daddy is going to say Drakie, I'm so proud you go on the potty and I'm going to say yeah, I have potty power." He likes to tell us what somebody would say to him in a certain situation. This is probably the funniest thing he does right now.

  • "Dad, ughhhhhhhh" he has started to say ughhhh when he is frustrated about something

  • "Papa is your mom?" he is starting to learn about family and gets confused that Papa is my DAD and not MOM :)

  • "This is the life" he said that the other night as he was taking a bite of his mac and cheese.

  • He was swimming at my parents and found 4 little Japensse Beatle "pets" he named them Tiny, Pawn, Key, and Pee.

  • He knows that his Birthday is on August 1st and that he is having a Cars party. He also knows that my birthday is before his and is insisiting that I have a Buzz Lightyear party.

  • We were at our neighbors for a 4th of July party when I look out the window and saw Drake running around with nothing but his shirt on. Turns out he went to the bathroom by himself upstairs but did not put his underwear or shorts on before running around outside.

Drake is such a smart and funny boy who always impresses us with his quick wit. I just never want to forget these days.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

This Did Happen

We were chatting away as we drove back from a site visit at a hotel. Talking about work and life and our families. The air conditioning was on high as it was a scorcher outside.

My boss and I were probably less than 10 minutes away from the office when I happened to look out my window and see a car merging right into us.

I screamed out her name and she glanced over to see the car coming right at us.

The next thing I know we were run off the road and her car was smashed up against the guard rail of the median and then propelled back onto the interstate.


We spun around and around across one lane and then another and then another as we made contact with another car. We kept spinning until we spun onto the shoulder hitting a sign as we finally came to a stop.

We sat in silence as we processed what had just happened.

We had spun across 3 lanes of a busy interstate and clipped a car (the 2 people inside of that car were uninjured) as we were traveling at least 55 mph.

And we had not a single scratch on our bodies.

God held us in his hands that day.


This happened only a few days ago and ever since it has been very easy to think of what didn't happen instead of what DID. There are so, so many things that could have happened but didn't. I wrote this post as a reminder of what DID happen, so when my mind starts to wander back to what didn't happen, I have the truth in black and white to remind me of what DID.

And what DID happen is nothing short of a miracle.