Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Charlie at 4 Months

Our little Charlie Bear is 4 months old!

  • He weighs 14 lbs 11 oz (33 %) and was 25 inches (55 %)

  • He can still wear 3 month clothes but has been wearing more and more 6 month stuff lately

  • Still in size 2 diapers

  • Working REALLY hard on rolling from his back to his tummy

  • Hates tummy time

  • Started to eat cereal and LOVES it

  • Was sleeping 8 pm-6 am without waking up but since he shots on Thursday he has been getting up at least one time a night

  • Loves to smile and is the easiest baby ever to get a smile from

  • His eyes keep getting more and more blue and are the first thing people comment on when they see him

  • He is getting more hair and it is coming in very blond

  • He wants to chew on EVERYTHING but his favorites are fingers (his or anybody who is holding him) and Sophie his teething toy

  • Watching Skinner and Drake could entertain him all day long

Charlie-whenever we are out and about, people always remark on how happy and content you are. It is true-you are the happiest baby I know and it shows in all areas of your personality. We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow!


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