Friday, June 8, 2012

The Big Brother

Oh Drake, how do I even begin to describe what a fun, entergentic, witty little boy you are at 2 years and 10 months old? You really are one of a kind! Here is what Mr. Drake has been up to lately!

  • He has taken to saying "Look at the little cutie" when he talks to or about Charlie

  • In the last month he has told me to "shut up" and "you suck Momma" (He also told Charlie he sucks) I'm not sure where he picked those 2 phares up but we are working on what is and is not apportiate things to say with him.

  • He is not interested in potty training in the least but definitly knows when he has to go. He told me the other day that he could not give me a hug because "I'm busy peeing right now".  I think we will wait until he is 3 to really try to work on this.

  • He loves for us to tell him stories before bed at night. He gives us a subject and we tell a story about it. Some of is favorite subjects include the ocean, farm, lots of houses, Momma, Daddy, Drakie, and friends stories.

  • The kid has a vocabulary like you would not believe. He is always saying words pharses that see so funny coming from his little mouth. He likes to talk and pretty much talks all of his waking hours.

  • He  still loves anything and everything that has to do with Cars but has recently really started to get into Superhero stuff.

  • He loves music. His favorite songs are Moves Like Jagger and Somebody I Used to Know. It pretty much makes my day when he sings alone to them.

All in all I pretty much want to bottle up this age. My boy is witty, smart, cute, sweet, and just plain funny. I'm so loving everything (well almost everything) about this age.  Love, love, love, love, love that boy and all his qualities!

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