Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Missing Piece

I am happy.  I'm so, so happy with my life right now. I would even venture to say that I might be happier now than I have been ever in my whole adult life. I have a job I like, a nice home, a fantastic husband, amazing friends, a great family, and 2 of the best baby boys around. To say I am blessed would be an understatement.

Because of all the good things in my life right now, I have debated if I should even write this post. But after thinking about it for a bit I've decided that this is a post that needs to be written if for no other reason than to hopefully look back in a few months and see just how far I've come.

I'm struggling with my weight.  I weigh more now than any other time in my life. Many of my clothes don't fit and the ones that do are either maternity or the clothes I bought to fill in for my regular clothes until I can fit into them. I don't feel good about the way I look or how my body feels these days. This really does seem to be the missing puzzle piece in my life right now and I'm really ready to do something about it.

In order to make this work I have given myself permission to put myself first once in awhile. I have been doing Weight Watchers for a month and have lost about 7 lbs, but have recently stalled out leaving me with about 45 lbs left to loose. I know I need to do a better job accounting for every.single.thing I put in my mouth. I also am going to concentrate on low carb foods from now on. I joined back up at the gym last week and thanks to my husband's work schedule I have at least 4 days a week that I can go to the gym without having to worry about the kids (because of this I might also have at least 4 days I week I can ready the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy while I sweat on the elliptical). I'm also going to start back blogging more because this space has been a little quite lately and writing has also been a great mental and emotional outlet for me in the past.

I'm going to give myself the grace and the knowledge that it might take months, it might even take a year, but I will meet my goal. I will fit back into some of my favorite outfits, I  will feel good about my body and I will finally have that missing piece to complete my puzzle.

Pound by pound and day by day this goal will become a reality.


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there - you can do this. It will be easier to take care of now than later! Patience and persistance, you can do this
