Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Minute

  • I don't think I've ever mentioned it on the blog but we bought a minivan. It is awesome and awful all at the same time. I think I probably need to do a post on it.

  • Drake is working on the potty training thing. Doing pretty good. Also a whole post needs to be written on this.

  • If I knew every baby that I had would have the personality of Charlie I would have 100. He is that awesome.

  • We took Drake on a little weekend getaway this weekend. It was so great. I will have a whole post about this too.

  • Anybody seeing a theme? I have lots of posts to catch up on :)

  • Ben was off on Thursday. The day was so ordinary but so perfect. I love those days.

  • I'm really starting to love Weight Watchers. I've started to see results and I'm fast approaching the 10 lb lost mark.

  • I love iced coffee. Especially that we figured out a super easy way to make a big batch.

  • I think the Fifty Shades of Grey series are some of the worst written books I have ever read but I'm still reading them.


1 comment:

  1. I used to have a minivan until I had my accident last month. I loved it to pieces. Isn't it sad that I actually LOVED a minivan. OMG I'm getting old!
