Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Minute

  • I don't think I've ever mentioned it on the blog but we bought a minivan. It is awesome and awful all at the same time. I think I probably need to do a post on it.

  • Drake is working on the potty training thing. Doing pretty good. Also a whole post needs to be written on this.

  • If I knew every baby that I had would have the personality of Charlie I would have 100. He is that awesome.

  • We took Drake on a little weekend getaway this weekend. It was so great. I will have a whole post about this too.

  • Anybody seeing a theme? I have lots of posts to catch up on :)

  • Ben was off on Thursday. The day was so ordinary but so perfect. I love those days.

  • I'm really starting to love Weight Watchers. I've started to see results and I'm fast approaching the 10 lb lost mark.

  • I love iced coffee. Especially that we figured out a super easy way to make a big batch.

  • I think the Fifty Shades of Grey series are some of the worst written books I have ever read but I'm still reading them.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-Splish Splash

My favorite picture of Charlie to date. I love that kid so hard!

Do you follow me on Instagram? If not you should! @sssmomma

Linking up with Jenni From the Blog and 5 Minutes for Mom

Monday, June 18, 2012

Charlie at 3 Months

Charlie at 3 Months....

  • Wears size 0-3, 3, and 3-6 month clothes

  • Rolled from back to stomach once and stomach to back once

  • Eats 6 oz every 3 hours

  • Sleeps from 8:00 pm - 7:00 am

  • Wears size 2 diapers

  • Loves to watch his brother

  • Often seen with a smile on his face

  • Found his hands and loves to chew on them

  • Has started being able to grasp some toys

  • Only  takes 30 minute cat naps

  • Has the nicknames Char Char, Char, and Charlie Bear

  • Loves to take naps with his Momma

  • Is the sweetest little baby

  • Has BIG blue eyes and is starting to get more hair that seems to be coming in very light

We just love our little Charlie Bear to pieces and can't imagine our family without him. What a blessing he has been!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love (Baby Products)

With almost 3 months (not sure HOW 3 months could already be gone) under our belt with Charlie I thought I would post some of our favorite baby items! I always love to read posts like this so hopefully you enjoy it too!

Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets


I can't say enough about these blankets. They are great for swaddling, using outside on a chilly day, using on the floor for playtime and even make a great burp cloth in a crunch. They are huge and lightweight and pretty much the best thing ever.

Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper


Charlie slept in this every night for the first 2 months. It is like a bassinet but with an incline. I loved it because Charlie was (is) such a spitter that it made me feel better having him sleep upright. I also loved how portable it is and how easy it is to fold up and store.

Tommee Tippee Bottles


I loves these. As a mom who exclusively formula feeds we go through lots of bottles a day. I love that they have very few parts to clean and wash up very nicely in the dishwasher. We started Charlie on a different brand of bottle but he was having a terrible time with them. Since we have switched to TT he takes his bottles like a champ!

Ergo Baby Carrier


This has probably been my favorite baby product we have used with Charlie. I use this carrier every day. It works great when Drake wants to play outside, on shopping trips, walks and even to just calm a crabby baby down. I am borrowing mine from a friend but will definitely purchase one for myself if we have a 3rd baby someday.

Bright Starts Bouncer

We were using a hand me down bouncer that we had with Drake when Charlie was first born, but the frame broke so obviously we threw it away. I found this bouncer on clearance at Target and we love it! It bounces automatically for 30 minutes and also has a nice sound feature. I like that it sits a little higher off the ground than most bouncers and is so plush and comfy for Charlie to sit in.

Charlie is also really starting to love Sophie the Giraffe just like his big brother did!

Those are the things we love right now! I will plan on doing another post like this when Charlie is 6 months old (I don't even want to think about how soon that will come up) with our favorite baby items for that stage!

None of the companies featured above have any clue I am writing about them. I just love their products and wanted to share with you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to Work


I left those 2 faces this morning to come back to this

I know I am lucky to only work 3 days a weeks.

And that my Mom or Mother In-Law watches the boys one day a week.

And I we have a trustworthy and loving daycare provider who watches the boys the other 2 days..

And I get to go to a job that I like and is flexible.

I know all of those things.

But my heart is hurting right now.

Time to find out new normal.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Big Brother

Oh Drake, how do I even begin to describe what a fun, entergentic, witty little boy you are at 2 years and 10 months old? You really are one of a kind! Here is what Mr. Drake has been up to lately!

  • He has taken to saying "Look at the little cutie" when he talks to or about Charlie

  • In the last month he has told me to "shut up" and "you suck Momma" (He also told Charlie he sucks) I'm not sure where he picked those 2 phares up but we are working on what is and is not apportiate things to say with him.

  • He is not interested in potty training in the least but definitly knows when he has to go. He told me the other day that he could not give me a hug because "I'm busy peeing right now".  I think we will wait until he is 3 to really try to work on this.

  • He loves for us to tell him stories before bed at night. He gives us a subject and we tell a story about it. Some of is favorite subjects include the ocean, farm, lots of houses, Momma, Daddy, Drakie, and friends stories.

  • The kid has a vocabulary like you would not believe. He is always saying words pharses that see so funny coming from his little mouth. He likes to talk and pretty much talks all of his waking hours.

  • He  still loves anything and everything that has to do with Cars but has recently really started to get into Superhero stuff.

  • He loves music. His favorite songs are Moves Like Jagger and Somebody I Used to Know. It pretty much makes my day when he sings alone to them.

All in all I pretty much want to bottle up this age. My boy is witty, smart, cute, sweet, and just plain funny. I'm so loving everything (well almost everything) about this age.  Love, love, love, love, love that boy and all his qualities!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Missing Piece

I am happy.  I'm so, so happy with my life right now. I would even venture to say that I might be happier now than I have been ever in my whole adult life. I have a job I like, a nice home, a fantastic husband, amazing friends, a great family, and 2 of the best baby boys around. To say I am blessed would be an understatement.

Because of all the good things in my life right now, I have debated if I should even write this post. But after thinking about it for a bit I've decided that this is a post that needs to be written if for no other reason than to hopefully look back in a few months and see just how far I've come.

I'm struggling with my weight.  I weigh more now than any other time in my life. Many of my clothes don't fit and the ones that do are either maternity or the clothes I bought to fill in for my regular clothes until I can fit into them. I don't feel good about the way I look or how my body feels these days. This really does seem to be the missing puzzle piece in my life right now and I'm really ready to do something about it.

In order to make this work I have given myself permission to put myself first once in awhile. I have been doing Weight Watchers for a month and have lost about 7 lbs, but have recently stalled out leaving me with about 45 lbs left to loose. I know I need to do a better job accounting for every.single.thing I put in my mouth. I also am going to concentrate on low carb foods from now on. I joined back up at the gym last week and thanks to my husband's work schedule I have at least 4 days a week that I can go to the gym without having to worry about the kids (because of this I might also have at least 4 days I week I can ready the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy while I sweat on the elliptical). I'm also going to start back blogging more because this space has been a little quite lately and writing has also been a great mental and emotional outlet for me in the past.

I'm going to give myself the grace and the knowledge that it might take months, it might even take a year, but I will meet my goal. I will fit back into some of my favorite outfits, I  will feel good about my body and I will finally have that missing piece to complete my puzzle.

Pound by pound and day by day this goal will become a reality.