Wednesday, September 28, 2011


13 weeks today I  thought as I sat anxiously waiting for the doctor to come in.

I wonder if it is a boy or girl?

I love having a little boy and brothers would be SO fun!

But a girl...a girl would be such a blessing too.

"Hello Katie" the doctor interrupted my thoughts as she entered the room.

"Climb up on the table and let's take a listen to your little one's heartbeat" she said as she rubbed the cold gel all over my expanding belly.

She placed the doppler on my belly.


She moved it around.

Still silence.

My breath caught as minutes went by with nothing but silence.

"I can't find the heartbeat and we don't have an ultrasound machine in this office. Can you drive downtown for a quick ultrasound to make sure everything is OK?"

I nodded as my head filled with all sorts of awful scenarios.

I walked in a fog of fear to my car where I called Ben and told him to meet me downtown.

I don't remember much of the car ride except for the praying part.

We sat in silence in the waiting room for 30 minutes waiting for my name to be called.

But I'm still been feeling sick.

My stomach has a noticeable bump.

This baby is our miracle.

"Katie come on back" this time my thoughts were interrupted by someone who would tell us the fate of our baby.

With a pounding heart I walked into the dark room with fear running through my veins as she put the cold gel on my stomach.

She started the ultrasound and we saw movement...lots and lots of movement.

And instead of silence the room was filled with the sound of a heart beating at 154 beats per minute.

I love you baby I thought as I sat back with a smile on my face watching my baby swim around.


Phineas and Ferb Live! (And Special Ticket Discount)


SAVE $10.00/person when you purchase tickets for both Phineas and Ferb Live! and Disney on Ice – Treasure Trove

Visit and enter the offer code DISNEYSPEC

Wells Fargo Arena
Oct. 22nd, 2011 (Sat.) 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Disney Live! - Seating Chart

Wells Fargo Arena
Nov. 25th, 2011 (Fri.) 3:00pm
Nov. 26th, 2011 (Sat.) 5:00pm
Nov. 27th, 2011 (Sun.) 1:00pm
Nov. 27th, 2011 (Sun.) 5:00pm
Disney on Ice - Seating Chart

Here is a little more information about  "Phineas and Ferb" :

Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all! Disney Channel's animated gem, the critically acclaimed "Phineas and Ferb," TV's #1 animated series among Tweens 9-14 for three years running, has reached a new pinnacle by inspiring an exciting live touring stage show which will play more than 80 hometowns across the country beginning in August. The tour will visit Des Moines' Wells Fargo Arena on Saturday, October 22 for a 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. show.
You can purchase tickets by visiting, all Dahl's Food locations, the Wells Fargo Arena box office, or by calling 866-55-DAHLS.!
Tickets on sale now!
$18, $23, $28, $42, $62

 Please note I received 3 complimentary tickets to Phineas and Ferb Live from Wells Fargo Arena.

Monday, September 26, 2011

So You Want to Know about Baby #2?

Here is a quick rundown on what is going on with me and the Little!

  • I'm already in my second trimester! Can you believe I kept this a secret for you all for that long?!?

  • I've felt pretty awful, but feel like I might be turning the corner.

  • Drake either really likes talking about the baby or really hates it.

  • He also looked at the ultrasound picture and got all excited and asked "Baby Monkey?"  Poor kid wants a monkey and we give him a baby instead.

  • We are so thrilled and excited and about this pregnancy. We found about the Little 2 days before Ben got laid off from his job. This pregnancy has been such a happy distraction.

  • I've already got a little bump and have for a few weeks now.

  • This pregnancy is flying by!! I'm trying to enjoy every last second of it all while soaking up these last few months alone with Drake.

  • We will be finding out in about 7-8 weeks what we are having. Ben and I both could care less what it is, but are excited to give Little a name and start planning!

  • I think I'm having a boy, Ben thinks girl, and Drake thinks he is getting a sister.  Any guesses?

This little secret might explain my lack of blogging the last few months. I'm been just too plain tried to do anything much but lay in bed and do only the most necessary household chores. It already seems like the 2nd trimester is brining me lots of energy, so I should be around a bit more!

Our Little Secret

 I have a secret....

Want to know what it is?!?

Let me hop back on my bike and I will ride over and tell you!

I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!

Momma says she will be back soon with details!

In the meantime, can you try to convince her that Sucker is a great name for the baby?

It was my idea and I love it!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helmet Head

Should I be worried that Drake requested to wear his helmet in the car today?

I swear I'm a good driver...


Sorry for the crappy picture quality. My cell phone is 2 years old, so you know, pretty much ancient.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bye-Bye Paci

I can't believe I finally got up the courage to do it.  I have thought about it, talked about and thought about it some more until last Wednesday night when a moment of bravery came over me.

I walked into his room gathered his pacifiers, walked to the kitchen trash and threw them away. I then walked back upstairs, read Drake a book, tucked him in and when he asked "Pacis?!?" I simply told them they went bye-bye.

I left his room with my heart pounding and nervous feeling settling into my stomach. I ran to our bedroom to watch him on the video monitor. He was rubbing his blanket with his fingers and peacefully drifting off to sleep. My heart rate slowed but the nervous feeling stayed. I knew this was too good to be true, at any moment he would be waking up crying for them.

But he didn't. He didn't that night. He didn't the next day at nap time. He didn't the next night. He has not mentioned one single word about them. My little paci addicted boy was putting on a good show about his attachment to his much-loved pacis but he was fine without them. He was not even  giving it a second thought, all while I practically had to be rushed to the emergency room due to my panic over the situation.  Apparently he handles change a little better than his Momma!

In all seriousness he might have been addicted to those pacifiers, but I seriously had a love affair with them. I was the one who fed his addiction. Tired? How about a paci. Teeth hurt? Paci to the rescue? You hate life right now? This paci will help! Car ride to long and miserable and making you scream? Suck on this paci.

Oh how I loved those things...looks like I might be the one with the problem after all!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Life is good right now.

Drake is at a fun stage.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous.

Football season is here (Go HAWKEYES).

Fall is in the air.

As you can see it has been awhile since I last posted. This blog break has been good-refreshing. I've decided to really cut back on the blogs I read and the social media I use. I cut my Google Reader down by half and shut off my Twitter account. MAke life a little bit simpler is freeing and so needed sometimes.

Ben is still looking for a job. We are remaining upbeat and enjoying this extra time we have as a family. Worrying does not change anything so instead we try to remain positive and pray for the right job to come along. In the meantime, we are counting our blessings and going on with life.

This last month has taught me a very important lesson; Everything does not always have to be perfect in your life for you to be happy. Sometimes happiness can be found in the most unexpected places and joy can come from many different sources.

Yeah, life is not perfect, but it pretty darn good.

And I'm happy.