Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Learning From a Toddler

Lately I have found that you can learn a lot about life and how it should be lived by watching a toddler.
  • Saying no can sometimes be the best answer.
  • Walking around barefoot in the summer can't be beat.
  • Sometimes you just need to dance...even if it is on top of a kitchen table.
  • Please and Thank you can get you lots of things.
  • Starting the day off with pancakes is fun.
  • Some of the best memories are created by staying up past your bedtime.
  • It does not matter how cold the water is in the pool, you will get used to it.
  • Taking time for a nap is important.
  • The more messy you are, the more fun you've had.
  • When you are mad nothing feels better than a good ol' fashioned scream.
  • Hot dogs are a food group.
  • Bikes are the best form of summer transportation.
  • If today is a bad day don't worry because tomorrow you get to start all over with a fresh slate.
I think Drake has it right. Sometimes the most simple of things make for the most wonderful memories.

Funny how I'm suppose to be the one teaching the toddler but he seems to be the one teaching me...


  1. What a great post!

  2. I don't think this post could get any better! :) I must say you speak the truth! :)
