Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Welcome to My New House

I'm BACK and all moved in to my new WordPress site! OK, so I guess I still have a little unpacking (aka. blog redesign and makeover) before the move is complete, but new content will be coming your way soon!

Thanks for sticking with me!

P.S. Somebody please tell me why I was so afraid of moving to WordPress. I love it a million times more than Blogger and this is just my 1st day!

P.P.S I worked with JP to move my blog from Blogger to WordPress and I could not be happier with the quick and awesome service!


  1. Where is the zumba video?! I was REALLY looking forward to that aspect of your new move! :-)

  2. HA! Well I have to film it first. I will get on that :)
