Thursday, June 30, 2011

Video of Me Doing Zumba

I've lost my mind to be showing you this. Seriously, lost my mind.

[cincopa AAMA0o6KoR72]


  1. Bahaha I love you! I want to try Zumba!

  2. I love Zumba! All that matters is that you are having fun and getting a good workout. We all look silly doing it! :)

  3. Love, Love..I did Zumba once too and I looked the same way!! I had to laugh at myself and I just felt totally out of control. This was funny stuff Katie! :)

  4. I just laughed my behind off!!! In fact, I watched this first on my phone and then had to get on the actual computer and watch it in full screen. SO FLIPPING FUNNY!! I think I laughed the hardest when you were explaining what we were about to see! I called Laila up to watch and at the end she said...."Katie. Funny!" :-) LOVE IT! You go girl!!
    And it looks like fun....maybe I will join you someday!

  5. HA! Glad Laila liked it! I really hope Drake does not take after me in the coordination department! :)

  6. It is so fun but WAY harder than it looks :)

  7. That is what I figure. I will be back next week! :)

  8. You should! It is fun :)

  9. Haha! It wasn't really that bad. And...I think you can blame it on the dance moves they make you do instead of you just you.

    I'm SO used to being the tallest person in the room with the longest limbs (I'm 5'10"...ok 5'11"). There are just so many things that cute small girls can get away with that I can't!
