Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Space Between


I still like to think of him as a baby. If I close my eyes I can still feel the weight of his 7 lb 12 oz body in my arms and smell the new baby smell on his hair. But when I open my eyes this handsome blue-eyed guy is looking back at me. He just started to walk a couple of weeks ago and is already walking around like he has been doing it his whole life. He says "thank you" when we give him something and "more" over and over at meal time. He laughs when we laugh even though he does not know what is funny. He likes to cuddle but loves the freedom to roam. I still catch glimpses of the baby in him when he cuddled up on my chest sucking his pacifier with his head on my heart like he did every single day as a newborn.

He is seeming less like a baby but still no like a toddler. The space between...


And then we have this one. He is starting preschool in the fall. He says words like "actually" and knows what a rhombus is. He come out of his room fully dressed most mornings and has many opinions on what we should eat for supper. He still thinks I'm pretty cool and often tells me I'm his best friend, but as been wanting to spend more and more time playing with his friends. He makes me proud when he spells his name. He is very sensitive and gets his feelings hurt easily.  He started Sunday school last fall and says the Lord's Prayer before bed.  He will still give me a kiss in front of his friends and can often be found holding my hand or on my hip getting cuddled.

Not a toddler but not quite a preschooler. The space between...

The space between is heart-warming and heartbreaking. Watching them grow and learn makes your heart burst with pride all while it breaks into a million little pieces as you know that you are letting another little piece of them go.

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