Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Moments

  • It snowed on Thursday and Friday. Not just a little snow but 6.5 inches of the stuff fell. After already experiencing the longest winter ever, this about put me over the edge.

  • I have been feeling so overwhelmed by cleaning and laundry lately. I feel like I just can't keep up and that the second my house is clean it is dirty again and that my pile of laundry never gets smaller. I know this is just the season of life I'm in right now, but man it still drives me nuts... And don't even get me started on the never-ending dog hair.

  • Charlie is walking 90% of the time now. I'm so in love with his little waddle and can't get enough of how proud he is of himself.

  • Charlie has also been talking so much more. The other day I picked him up from his crib and he looked right at me and said "good boy." He also kept telling me "thank you" as I fed him blueberries last night. So sweet.

  • Drake has learned how to spell his first and last name and goes around the house saying it over and over again. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

  • Last night at supper (while my parents were over) Drake started to sing "I'm sexy and I know it."  Time to really monitor the music that he listens to.

  • Things have been quiet on the blog the last couple of weeks and I kind of like it. I'm really trying to focus on just writing when I have things to say and not forcing myself to write a certain number of times a week, etc.

  • I'm still working really hard to lose the rest of this weight. It is slow going, but my clothes are fitting so much differently and I just feel better so that gives me the motivation I need to keep going.

  • I will be turning thirty in July and I'm excited about it. I could have never had imagined all the great things that my twenties had in store for me and I'm really excited to see what my thirties hold.

I will leave you with a couple of pictures of my babies. Charlie and his big blue eyes get me every time and that sweet smile just melts my heart to pieces. My big boy, Drake, looks so handsome and I just can't get enough of him in that hat...way too cute.  I just love those boys  to pieces.

Have a great week!


Drake on scooter


  1. I've been feeling overwhelmed with yet-to-be-accomplished tasks, too; but we finished our school year on Friday, so my load should start to lighten... although summertime always gets busier than I anticipate.

    I'm with you on writing only when the inspiration hits. One blogger I follow once said, "Blog because you live." That has served as a good reminder to me. My blog is about my life, but my life is not about my blog... ya know? I love that your blog portrays LIFE. That's what keeps me reading.

    Have a blessed summer, Katie! I hope it won't be too long until I see you again!


  2. You sure do have two handsome boys!
    I hope you get warmer weather soon. I can't imagine if it would still be snowing here. I'd be insane! Our weather lately has been gorgeous. I think we are headed into summer quicker than we thought.
    Good job on the weight loss. Keep it up!
    Hope you have a nice week

  3. Angela- I hope we have a chance together soon!

    Housework is not my strong suit and is something I find very little joy in. Maybe I need to start to try to find joy in it by cranking up my favorite song and just jamming out while I clean!

    Love the "Blog because you live quote" Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks Angie! I think they are pretty darn cute!
    The snow was so bad that I kept thinking it was March and not May! At least today is suppose to be almost 80 and beautiful so I guess Mother Nature is working on redeeming herself!
