Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rearranging Expectations

I don't think it is a secret to anybody who knows me that I have pretty high expectations.  I have high expectations of myself. I have high expectations of my kids. I have high expectations of my husband. I have high expectations of experiences  Now don’t get me wrong, high expectations are good, but sometimes I just set the bar too high, ya know?

For example I often have to remind myself that Drake is only three years old. He is a tall kid for his age and can hold a full conversation with pretty much anybody about anything and those things combined make him seem much older than three to me. The problem comes in when he actually acts like he is three- the full-out fits, the not listening, and the mouthing back-those sorts of things. I find myself getting super frustrated with him when he acts like that and I have to constantly remind myself that he is ONLY three years old and his behavior is so very typical and normal for that age. High  Expectations

Did you know that I have a pretty amazing husband? Because I totally do. He works so hard for our family and is the absolute best Daddy to our boys and treats me with so much love and respect. He helps around the house and changes diapers and mows the lawn along with a million other things. Yet I find myself getting annoyed with him when he forgets to put his clothes in the laundry basket or when he doesn't wipe the crumbs off the table after lunch and I sometimes let those little tiny things overshadow the really big amazing things. High Expectations.

I work part-time (3 days a week) and I’m home with my sons the other 4 days out of the week. I’m busy just like all of you are. I’m either trying to fit a workout in and cook dinner and play with my kids all while doing laundry in the few hours I have after work or I’m chasing my kids around and taking them to do fun activities and grocery shopping and going to church and trying to maintain friendships all while wanting my house to look spotless. High Expectations.

Something needs to change and that something is me.

I need to lower my expectations to the realistic level, the achievable level. I need to realize that my kids are just that-kids. I need to appreciate all that husband does instead of focusing on what he doesn't (which is basically nothing) because he does a whole heck of a lot. I need to take some advice from myself and give myself some grace. I need to know that the perfect house and the perfect body and the perfect craft time activities that I have in my head might need to be changed to match what I have right in front of me- which is a pretty amazing life. I have a nice home that is at least sanitary if it is not clean. My body has a few more lumps and bumps than I might like but that is actually not half bad. I might not do Pinterest inspired crafts with my boys but I take them on all sorts of fun adventures that create priceless memories for them.

I’m going to be spending just a little bit of time rearranging my expectations because I think that some of my new (and attainable) expectations are going to surprise me with the goodness that lies beneath.


  1. A valuable lesson we all can work on!

  2. I think we all tend to have high expectations for ourselves especially when we are moms, good luck adjusting them.
