Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kicking the Rash with Boudreaux's Butt Paste

This post is sponsored by Boudreaux's Butt Paste®, the effective diaper rash cream that treats and prevents diaper rash with every change. Let's kick some rash!

Last month our whole family came down with the stomach flu. Like dominoes we all fell one right after the other. Poor baby Charlie was the one who got it 1st and in quick succession the rest of the family followed. Charlie's stomach flu came in the form of some really awful diapers that left his poor little bottom sore and with a pretty nasty diaper rash.  I felt awful for him! His poor little tummy was bothering him and now he had a sore bottom to boot!

Thankfully this was actually his first diaper rash (at almost 9 months old) and we had a tube of Boudreaux's Butt Paste sitting next to the changing table that we knew would clear it up in no time! Sure enough, after only about 2 diaper changes we could already tell that the Butt Paste was doing it's job and his little bottom was looking so much better!

Even though we have not had to deal with a lot of diaper rashes with Charlie, we did with Drake. Drake has more sensitive skin and it was not unusual for him to get a diaper rash or 2 every month. We quickly learned that Boudreaux's was the best choice to make the diaper rash vanish. We keep a tube in our diaper bag, my parents house and right next to the changing table so we are covered everywhere.

Take a little visit to Butt City and see how  Boudreaux's knocks down Rashadon!
 How do you kick diaper rash at your house?

Disclosure-This is a sponsored post by DailyBuzz Moms & Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

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