Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Charlie at 11 Months


I can't believe we are less than a month away from our little Charlie turning 1. I've been so emotional these last few weeks thinking about him growing up so fast. I was a crying mess just looking at all the pictures from his birth thinking about what a special time that was. Anyways, Charlie is now 11 months old and still as sweet as pie.

This is what Charlie has been up to this month.

  • He is such a good eater. Maybe even too good! I think if fed him food for 3 hours straight he would just keep eating, so needless to say we have to cut him off when he has had enough. Charlie has never met a food he doesn't like and eats with such enthusiasm  He is eating almost all table food now and just dropped his morning bottle so he is only taking one bottle right before bed. 

  • Charlie is working on dropping his morning nap. He has never been a good napper and has always taken short (30 minute) naps in the morning so this has not taken much to adjust to. He has started taking better afternoon naps and usually sleeps for 1-2 hours then. He still goes to bed about 6:00 pm and gets up between 6-7 am. It is not unusual to hear him talking happily in his room for an hour or so before he cries for us to come and get him.

  • He just had 2 top teeth break through last week so he now has 2 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth.

  • Last week he started cruising around the furniture. He is getting pretty fast! I picked up a toy for him to walk behind last week and he has been going crazy pushing that thing all over. I'm betting that my 12 month update will contain news of a walker.

  • He says Momma, Dada and I swear he says dog  :) He copies all the sounds we make and his new favorite sound is that of him clicking his tongue. He loves to clap but spends a good chunk of his day waving at whoever will look at him.

  • His hair is getting really crazy. It is so thick and long in the back but still pretty wispy in the front. We are trying to avoid the mullet look so his first haircut is on the agenda for the weekend.

  • I could go on and on about how sweet and happy this boy is but I think I've said that in every month post I have written about him. To sum it up he is just the sweetest little guy I have ever met!

photo (3)

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