Monday, January 21, 2013


I am a creature of comfort.

From the food I eat to the clothes I wear.

From the music I play to the friends I surround myself with.

All bring me comfort on some level.

Can I be honest for a second?

I LOVE comfort.

Comfort makes me feel safe and in control.

I mean after all comfort is comfortable for a reason.

This year I made a commitment to myself to live life with a little more discomfort.

To try things I would not normally do.

To leave my heart open to opportunities that may come my way that I would normally pass by.

To really feel the discomfort.

Here are a few things that I have already done on my quest to live life with a side of discomfort.

  • I bought red skinny jeans. If you know me you might be surprised by that fact considering I am the girl who showed up to college with my collection of overalls.  Actually , I was even surprised by the purchase. I mean not only did I buy red skinny jeans but I bought red skinny jeans when I, myself, am not all that skinny. Discomfort.

  • Ben and I joined a small group through our church. We attend church most every Sunday but a small group is something I've only been involved in once before a few years ago. Discomfort

  • I am committing to loosing 30 lbs by the time I turn 30 in July. I am down almost 5 lbs but that still leaves 25 lbs to loose in the span of about 6 months. Discomfort.

  • I am taking time for myself. Sometimes that means going to the gym and other times it means reading a book behind a closed door. I'm used to putting the needs of the other 3 people in my house before mine so this feels strange. Discomfort.

I know the things above are not huge things but to me they are things that are out of my comfort zone.

You know what the strange thing is?

Once I started doing some of the things above, they did not feel nearly as uncomfortable as I imagined they would.

Which actually gives me even more courage to keep finding things that cause me a bit of discomfort because in the long run they give me a lot of comfort and satisfaction.

Funny how that works out, isn't?

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 

Proverbs 31:25


1 comment:

  1. I love this post, Katie. It's when we willingly put ourselves in places of discomfort that we so often learn and grow the most. Get ready! ;-)
