Sunday, January 27, 2013

Charlie at 10 Months

Charlie made such a dramatic entrance into this world ten months ago that I thought I was going to in for it with him. Even the nurses commented "He is already giving you a run for your money, you better watch out!" But as it turns out Charlie is anything but drama. From the second he took his first breath he has been  laid back, calm, content and peaceful. Hard to believe we have known this sweet boy for 10 whole months already. It seems like he has been in our family forever and like he just got here all at the same time. We sure love him to pieces!


  • Has really gotten thi sleeping thing down. He still is not a huge napper ( hour nap in the morning and MAYBE an hour nap in the most) but he sleeps so well and for so long at night that we are not complaining. He usually goes to bed around 6 and gets up between 6-7 am. We usually have to go in one time in the night to replace his paci,  He is back to being such a great sleeper again!

  • This boy LOVES to eat. He gets a 6 oz bottle first thing in the morning and then usually eats a waffle or some fruit while we eat breakfast. He eats a jar of baby food and some table food for lunch and usually has some sort of snack in the afternoon. He like to eat supper early and usually eats 1-2 fruits, some veggies, cheese and whatever else he can get his hands on. He also gets a sippy cup of water with his meals and snacks. He wraps his night up with an 8 oz bottle as we rock him before bed. He seriously has not had a single food that he not loved.

  • He claps, waves, does "so big", makes funny noises with his lips, says mama and dada and a lot of other sounds.

  • He can crawl at a speed that is so crazy! He will spot something he wants and take off after it kicking up dust as he goes. He pulls up on furniture and walks along it but has no interest in standing on his own or walking yet.

  • His favorite toys are things that he should not have. Things like the smallest accessories to Drake's super heros or a toy screwdriver that he shoves down his mouth. He also has a special fondness for an empty batman pez dispenser that he carries (either in his mouth or one hand) around with him while he crawls. He has hardly played with any of the baby toys that we have because he always wants to play with what Drake is playing with.

  • He is wearing 12 month clothes and is not going through nearly as many outfits a day anymore since he has stopped spitting up as much (cutting down on his bottles has helped this dramatically)

  • He loves his dog and brother and people in general. He has made friends with all the people we sit by at church and gets to stay in the service with us the whole time as he sits so nicely and quietly.

We are loving Charlie at this stage-so fun and full of personality- but still our baby. He really is just the sweetest baby I have ever met!

Love you CharChar!

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