Thursday, December 6, 2012

Santa Pictures: More Than Meets the Eye

Last weekend we headed to Bass Pro Shop  to visit Santa.

Charlie was first up. I told you this kid was sweet and boy does this picture prove it. He was in love with Santa, all the attention being on him and all the camera flashes. Also? A baby in a bow-tie  cheesin' it up on Santa's lap? Cutest thing ever.

Drake was up next. Poor guy, he had everything he wanted to say all planned out but when the time came he was a nervous wreck and coud only  mutter "I want a bat cave"  between his trembling little lips.  But despite the nerves, he is such a handsome little guy (who looks more like 5 than 3) perched up on Santa's lap.

I love these pictures so much as they express both boy's personality so perfectly.

But upon closer examination the photos started creeping me out a little.

First, the reindeer will not quit staring at me!!! I make eye contact with him every time I look at this picture. I'm going to admit defeat, you win the staring contest reindeer, I blinked. NOW QUIT STARING!

Then there is  the pacifier that is seemingly attached to Santa's belt. I am beyond curious what that is all about. The logical explanation is that some little girl dropped it while on his lap, but that still does not answer the question as to WHY it is attached to his belt. Also, are his little "elfs" not noticing this pacifier just hanging out? It's just weird. That is all I've come up with. Weird and Creepy.

That Santa, he  is always much more than meets the eye....

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