Thursday, December 27, 2012

The (Im)Perfect Christmas

Christmas 2012

"Christmas is not always perfect"

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks as I was sitting in church with my little family on Christmas Eve.

You see, I had this image in my head of how Christmas was going to be this year and in one word that image was perfect. Everything was going to be perfect. The food and gifts and clothes and kids behavior and light and cards and cookies-All of it perfect.

Only in reality it wasn't.

Drake was tired from a fun Christmas at Nana and Papa's the day before and was acting up. Charlie was fighting a virus and was not himself. My hair dryer broke 15 minutes before church leaving me no choice but to go to church with wet hair.  This Christmas was not turning out to be the perfect image I had in my mind.

But after hearing those words from our pastor, I knew he was right. Christmas does not have to be perfect because the reason that we are celebrating the season is perfect.

That evening as we sang "Silent Night" by candle light I found peace in letting go of my image of perfect and replacing it with all the blessings my imperfect Christmas held.

Here are some of my favorite memories from Christmas 2012

  • My whole family together at my parents house. And all the people there that love my kids so very much. Best gift ever.

  • Seeing Drake's eyes light up when he saw his 1st big boy bike.

  • Watching Charlie experience the magic of Christmas for the 1st time.

  • Parents who are willing to stay up really late with a sick baby and love on him.

  • Knowing that Drake was listening to the sermon because when the Pastor said that "Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem without any family" Drake shouted loudly "What?!? No family?!?! They HAD family"

  • Watching Drake hold his very own candle for the 1st time while singing "Silent Night"

  • Starting our own Christmas Eve traditions-just our family of four.

  • Listening to Drake laugh and laugh at "Charlie Brown Christmas"

  • Watching Drake run down the stairs to see what Santa left him.

  • Hearing Drake tell everybody that he saw "Merry Christmas"

  • Enjoying a lazy morning at home on Christmas morning enjoying new gifts, a yummy breakfast and time together.

  • Watching Charlie find the smallest pieces of any new toy and try to eat them.

  • The appreciation of a Grandma and Grandpa who made thoughtful gift choices that were perfect for each of the grandkids personality.

  • A yummy Christmas dinner with family.

  • Watching cousins play.

  • Going to bed on Christmas night and thinking that you are blessed beyond measure for the people in your life.

Yeah, I guess you could say that our imperfect Christmas was pretty perfect in it's own way.

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