Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It is Fleeting...

I hear him moving around and fussing in his crib before I'm even awake.

Tonight is my night to get up. I throw the covers off and sleepily walk into his room where his fussing gets a little louder with every step I take.

He can roll now, so he is very rarely in the same spot we put him down in. I reach into the crib and scoop up the warm little bundle. I walk over to the rocking chair and sit down and start to fill the waiting bottle with formula.

He is getting anxious now as he hears me shake the bottle. He knows it is almost time.

Finally the bottle is ready and is inserted into a waiting mouth. His body relaxes and melts into my arms as he enjoys his middle of the night snack.

I stare at his face, trying to memorize how it looks at this very moment. His big, blue, wide eyes are hidden as he drifts back to sleep. His lips make the cutest 'O' shape while he sucks his bottle. His head is slowly filling in with light blonde hair that has the unmistakable fuzzy baby texture.. His little hands reach up in habit to stroke my face while he eats. It gives him comfort, but it also comforts me.

I will miss this I tell myself as I rock him back and forth and breathe in his sweet baby scent.

He is done with his bottle now and fast asleep. I could put him down in his crib but I'm in no hurry as I know this moment is fleeting.

So we rock and I kiss his chubby checks once, twice...a hundred times.  Just a few more minutes I think as my eye lids get heavy with sleep. Finally when I can no longer keep my eyes open, I slowly get up out of the rocking chair, kiss my boy one last time and gently place him back into his crib.

As I tip-toe out of his room I am thankful for the wisdom that comes with raising more than one baby-the knowledge that time waits for no one, it just keeps marching on. Knowing that tomorrow I might need an extra cup of coffee, but soon I will be sleeping through the night again and these late night cuddles will be gone.

So for now I happily wear 2 dark circles under my eyes and yawn on my face.

Tonight I will find myself in the same chair, repeating the same process and cherishing every single moment. Because it is fleeting...


  1. In those moments of middle of the night wakefulness I find myself thanking God it is fleeting, but at the same time it scares me how fast it does actually go. I am pretty sure I lost two months somewhere along the way. i keep thinking my little guy is 4months when he's actually 6 months.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughtfulness!

    Visiting from the parent 'hood,


  2. It is not always EASY to appreciate those moments, that is forsure :)
