Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Charlie at 6 Months

My sweet Charlie Bear,

You are 6 months old today (September 18th was the actual day) . 6 months! I swear I was just holding you in all of your fresh and new glory.

Charlie, you have no idea what a blessing you have been to our family. You came in and filled a piece of our family that we did not even know was missing. I already can't remember life without you.

You are the best baby. Really, you are. You are even-tempered and sweet all the time. You give out smiles for free and love to giggle. Many babies have a "witching hour" where they cry and cry and nothing can stop them, but not you. If you cry you need something, and once your need is met your crying stops. Do you know I would have 100 babies if they all had your sweet and even temper?

You love your brother so very much and already want to play with everything he plays with. Your face lights up whenever he comes into a room. You are going to be best friends I just know it.

And did I mention that you are cute? Because you are. Super cute. You have the biggest bluest eyes and soft wispy blonde hair with the cutest smile ever. You pretty much melt my heart whenever I look at you.

Happy half birthday CC!

We love you so very, very much Charlie.

A few things Charlie is doing at 6 months

  • Wearing 6 month clothes but those are starting to get small so you have been wearing some 9 month stuff

  • Eating about 3-4 6 oz bottles a day with an 8 oz bottle at night. You usually eat cereal with some fruit in the morning and cereal and veggies at night.

  • Has us wrapped around his little finger when it comes to his sleep schedule. We get up to feed you around 1 am (I know you just want to cuddle so this is going to stop soon) and then you are up anywhere from 5-7 for the day. As much as I love our middle of the night cuddle sessions it is time to start a better sleeping routine so we will be sleep training soon.

  • Weighed 17 lbs and was 26 1/2 inches long at your 6 month appointment.

  • Takes a 1-hour nap in the morning (usually in your crib) and a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon (usually in my arms...I love it) and most nights you like a small cat nap after supper.

[caption id="attachment_1439" align="aligncenter" width="446"] We celebrated C's half birthday with half of a birthday cake. He is so worth celebrating![/caption]

1 comment:

  1. He's so sweet. :) Weighs the same as Korbin did at 6 months. Watch out if he continues to follow Korbin's lead! Ha.
