Monday, April 2, 2012

Room for Two

From the moment the 2 pink lines showed up on the pregnancy test until the second Charlie was born, I wondered how I could ever love another child as much as I loved Drake.

I had never known the kind of love I was capable of until Drake was born and I had a hard time imagining that I could feel that way again.

Boy was I ever wrong.

This picture captures the moment when I met Charlie for the 1st time.

And the moment I fell in love.

A deep love...just like I feel for his brother.

These two?

They showed me that there is plenty of room for two in my heart.

And it just so happens they each own a pretty good chunk of it.


  1. Awww....I LOVE IT!!!!
    When I got pregnant with my son, my daughter was already 12 years old. It had just been the hubby, her & I for 13 long years. I loved her more than life and was so worried that I could never love the new baby like I did her. Boy was I wrong too. Both of those kiddos make me melt. They are my entire life. I'm now pregnant with number 3 and know that I will fall in love with her just the same as I did the other two :)

  2. So true! You just wrote everything that I feel. Love this post. :)
