Monday, April 9, 2012

Charmingly Charlie

Charlie turned 3 weeks old yesterday and with each passing day I feel like I'm getting to know my littlest more and more!

These are the things I want to remember about Charlie right now-

  • His love for cuddling. He is happiest all snuggled up against someone's chest. And it seems like he has a special spot for his Momma, as I can usually calm him right down just by picking him up

  • He weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces at his 2 week visit

  • He is over all a pretty laid back baby

  • He usually goes down for the night between 10-11 and is up around 2 to eat and then is down again until 5:30 or 6:00

  • He loves to be swaddled

  • He hates getting buckled in the car

  • He loves his bath

  • Drake's screaming, crying, or just overall loudness does not bother him at all

  • He fits right into our family like he has always been here

  • He really is a charming little guy with his easy-going personality and handsome looks :)

And to make my heart melt even more I convinced Drake to finally hold his brother for the first time last week and it resulted in this sweet picture of my boys. Seriously,cutest picture I own.




1 comment:

  1. Melt my heart, he's such a handsome fella. I adore that pic of the two boys together. Nothing like brotherly love :)
