Friday, March 30, 2012

Becoming Brothers

When I found out I was pregnant with Charlie I just had a gut feeling that we were having another boy. When the ultrasound confirmed my suspicions, I immediately thought about the bond my boys would have. How lucky they were going to be to have each other and how I could not wait for the first time that they met.

My heart melted just like I thought it would.

The biggest even sang Happy Birthday to his little brother (ok, so maybe he more yelled it than sang it but it was still sweet)

Drake did not want to hold Charlie and we did not push the subject figuring he will come around in his own time.

And come around he did.

Showing his love with kisses...

and letting the little lay on his bed...

And always wanting to know where "Charie" is and what he is doing.

These boys might not know it yet but they are lucky to have each other and I'm even luckier to have them.


  1. This makes my heart melt! Sp happy for you and your little family!

  2. So special- nothing like brotherly love!

  3. So lucky! And so blessed! :)

  4. Ahh...beautifully said Katie! What a sweet post!
