Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 2 in pictures

2 weeks old and growing fast!
First real bath! My belly button finally fell out so I can get in the tub now!!
My new wall letter in my room!
Meeting my new friend Laila...I think she is cute!!!
Trying out tummy time and not loving it
First trip to the farmers market where we bought tomatoes
and ate cinnamon rolls and raspberry pastry!
" Skinner I told you to leave me alone!!"
Growing Boy! 7lbs 12 oz and 21 1/2 inches at his 2 week appointment. He was so good and did not cry at all during the whole exam!! I think he wants to be a Dr. like Papa when he grows up!!
Thanks Uncle Chic for the football!! He is practicing already to become a future Hawkeye!
Family photo on D's 2 week birthday!!
Skinner was babysitting!!


  1. It was so fun to meet Drake! After reading this latest blog I realize we need to get Laila with Drake more often so she can set him straight on the proper team to cheer for.....CYCLONES!!! :) Can't wait to see you guys again.
    ~Nicole & Laila

  2. Drake is so adorable!! We can't wait to come meet him in 2 weeks! Ewan can't stop talking about his baby cousin "Drag". :) He loves looking at all the pictures of him and Skinner!
    Love, Zach, Lori & Ewan

  3. what a BEAUTiFUL family shot!! :)
