Saturday, August 8, 2009

1 week old!

I am 1 week old already!
It is hard to believe that little D has been here for 1 week. I think it is safe to say that this has been one of the best weeks of B's and my life! D is so much fun and becoming more and more alert each day! Here are some fun facts that we have learned about D in this first week, along with some more pictures.

  • D loves his hands by his face , like to be a big boy and hold his paci in, uses his hands to cover his ears, and likes to play with his hair.

  • He will pretty much sleep anywhere...his swing,bouncer,crib, or in somebodies arms!So far we have been pretty lucky, this kid likes to sleep and usually only gets up 2 times a night and then sleeps in till 8:30!

  • He loves to eat and always finishes his bottle!
    D enjoyed meeting some neighbors and the ladies at B's bank this week.

  • We took our first outing to Target to stock up on some baby supplies.
    This is what happens when Mommy tries to eat and hold me at the same time...I end up with carrott in my hair! Good thing Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath that night!
One eye Jake as we call him (Aunt E thought we said his name was Jake when we announced it, so the nickname has sticked and we call him one eye Jake instead of one eye Jack!)

Just hanging out on my blanket Nana made me

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