Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Just Call You Mine

I recently heard this song by Martina McBride and it brought tears to my eyes as I thought how the words describe exactly how I am feeling right now about D. Here is a little bit of the lyrics

I pinch myself sometimes to make sure I'm not in a dream that's how it seems i close my eyes and breath in the sweetest moments I've ever known it feels like home and here i am i want to be your everything there you are turning winter into spring Chorus: and everyone that sees you always wants to know you and everyone that knows you always has a smile your standing ovation after years of waiting for a chance to finally shine everyone calls you amazing i just call you mine

Of course no post would be complete without some pictures so here you go!

All dressed in my little man clothes ready for a day of shopping with my two of my favorite gals Mommy and Nana KathiThis is what cute looks like!

Having fun playing with Skinner
With mom in my FIRST pair of jeans before church
Can't wait for football season!!

D and I had a fun week, here are a few highlights:
  • Spending time with Nana Kathi
  • Going to Bass Pro Shop
  • B and I got to go out to eat and to Target thanks to Nana Kathi babysitting
  • D rolled from his stomach to his back 2 times in a row!!
  • Going to the outlet mall where D got his Halloween costume...stay tuned for pictures of the cutest MONKEY you have ever seen!!!
  • We went to my work to see Jen and Janet and have lunch with the girls
  • Aunt Ellie came to hang out with us Friday night and watch Season 2 of Gossip Girl

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 2 in pictures

2 weeks old and growing fast!
First real bath! My belly button finally fell out so I can get in the tub now!!
My new wall letter in my room!
Meeting my new friend Laila...I think she is cute!!!
Trying out tummy time and not loving it
First trip to the farmers market where we bought tomatoes
and ate cinnamon rolls and raspberry pastry!
" Skinner I told you to leave me alone!!"
Growing Boy! 7lbs 12 oz and 21 1/2 inches at his 2 week appointment. He was so good and did not cry at all during the whole exam!! I think he wants to be a Dr. like Papa when he grows up!!
Thanks Uncle Chic for the football!! He is practicing already to become a future Hawkeye!
Family photo on D's 2 week birthday!!
Skinner was babysitting!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So there is this boy...

So there is this boy....
                                                                       He stole my heart...

He calls me Momm

Saturday, August 8, 2009

1 week old!

I am 1 week old already!
It is hard to believe that little D has been here for 1 week. I think it is safe to say that this has been one of the best weeks of B's and my life! D is so much fun and becoming more and more alert each day! Here are some fun facts that we have learned about D in this first week, along with some more pictures.

  • D loves his hands by his face , like to be a big boy and hold his paci in, uses his hands to cover his ears, and likes to play with his hair.

  • He will pretty much sleep anywhere...his swing,bouncer,crib, or in somebodies arms!So far we have been pretty lucky, this kid likes to sleep and usually only gets up 2 times a night and then sleeps in till 8:30!

  • He loves to eat and always finishes his bottle!
    D enjoyed meeting some neighbors and the ladies at B's bank this week.

  • We took our first outing to Target to stock up on some baby supplies.
    This is what happens when Mommy tries to eat and hold me at the same time...I end up with carrott in my hair! Good thing Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath that night!
One eye Jake as we call him (Aunt E thought we said his name was Jake when we announced it, so the nickname has sticked and we call him one eye Jake instead of one eye Jack!)

Just hanging out on my blanket Nana made me

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Drake is here!

On Saturday, August 1st at 3:38 am, Drake Donald was born weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. He is perfect!!! My water broke at 4:00 pm on Friday so things moved very fast. I will post more later. But for now here are pictures!

Just a few minutes old

First Bath

Look at all that hair!!

Welcome Home Drake!
"Let me hold that"