Monday, November 12, 2012

Short on Time, Long on Thoughts

I feel like October passed me by in a whirlwind. Between being busy at work, a newly crawling baby and the excitement and fun over Halloween-this month was over before I felt like it even started!

Here are a few things that are on my mind right now-

• The blog has been a but heavy on sponsored posts and giveaways the last few months and I am aware that is not something everybody loves. I get that, I really do. With that being said, this blog has provided my family both financial benefits as well as opportunities and experiences we otherwise would not have had. So for the time being there will continue to be sponsored posts and giveaways even if some of the motivation behind it is a bit selfish.

• I just baby-proofed my house big time. Mr. Charlie is crawling and pulling up and exploring like crazy so the time has come to go through all the toys and put stuff up for the time being.

• Speaking if crawling- Drake seems to be enjoying his brother so much more since he has become mobile. They play and giggle and wrestle and just have fun together. It makes my heart so happy!

• I have been on a huge decluttering spree this past year and it has felt so good! I can't even tell you how freeing it is to get rid of things and live a simpler life. In anticipation of Christmas, I have been selling and donating toys to free up space. I will do a future post on how we changed the way we bought Christmas gifts a few years ago and how much we love it.

 Hope you all have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. That stage where the siblings start to really interact with each other is so fun! I remember when that happened with Abel and Amariah--it gave me such warm fuzzy feeling! :-) I totally agree with you on the decluttering thing! Christmastime always encourages some toy purging around here, too. I'm super excited about Christmas gifts for the kids this year because both sets of grandparents have chosen to help us complete our gift lists for the kids (instead of doing their own shopping) in order to help us streamline our playthings and avoid unnecessary clutter! That is much appreciated! I look forward to hearing what you have to say about gift buying!
