Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Charlie at 8 Months

    • Charlie is crawling all over the place! I love watching him set his sight on something and go after it as fast as he can.

    • Playing on the floor with his toys and his brother is his favorite thing to do. He can easily play and crawl around on the floor for a good hour without getting bored!

    • Charlie still gets up 1 time a night to eat. He usually only takes a half-hour to eat and then is sound asleep again. We keep saying that we need to break the habit, but I secretly love the middle of the night cuddles.

    • He has taken much more of an interest in solid foods this month and prefers a bowl of oatmeal and fruit to a bottle. We have also started giving him puffs and yogurt melts.

    • Charlie is also called Char-Char, Chawee, Charlie Bear, Bigs, Biggie and sometimes I hear Drake calling him Chuckie (Thanks Aunt Ellie and Aunt Meggie for that)!

    • Mr. Charlie loves his bath and causes all involved to get a little wet with his splashes.

    • His hair has come in so much thicker and is pure blonde. He is so very cute (not like I am biased or anything) with his huge bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

Charlie-We thank God everyday for picking us to be your family. You always have that adorable little smile on your face and can often be found giggling on the floor with your brother. You hardly ever cry and even if you do as soon as you are picked up, fed, or changed, all is well again. We love you so very much sweet boy. Happy 8 Months to you!

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